@railsdev @idk837384 It's the price, right? People shit on it for its price. You didn't mention price once! Lol
@Retirix_YT Totally reasonable. not offended at all if anything I felt my reaction was unreasonable, is why I deleted :)
I thought I read more judgment of others in your comment(s) than I’m reading now. Totally fair to personally not partake and express that!
@Retirix_YT @ilikekeyboards If that’s truly how you feel, you shouldn’t say you think it doesn’t rock. That expresses disapproval, even if you don’t mean it to.
what you just said about weed is what religious extremists say about being gay - a much more harmful take than being anti-weed, imo. Just using this as an example to illuminate why your OG comment connotes greater judgment / hostility to people who smoke weed.
If it doesn’t rock for you then say that not that it doesn’t rock ya see?
@myk @alyaza "Why bother being a good custodian of a community website that has never made a profit, when you could live off selling access to one of the largest bodies of good quality human-generated text-based content out there?"
Goes to show how important it is we use FOSS and decentralized tools for real community communications.
@jax I love it. It's super cool. I think the main thing I'm still working through is how favorites and upvotes will interoperate. It's weird seeing different counts for favorites and upvotes and I wish I could upvote from Mastodon.
There's definitely some smoothing out to do and maybe there always will be. But it's super cool. I have no idea the full implications. But they're all positive imo.