[-] Ithral 16 points 1 month ago

The only rationale I've seen consistently is that it's expensive to care for trans people.

I was in and diagnosed with gender dysphoria within about a week of Trump's initial tweet saying he was banning trans people. For about 2 months there it was a bit up in the air whether or not I'd get discharged or not. Ultimately was grandfathered in.

It's not an issue of hormones being available in the field, you can be deployed with a years supply no problem. That said the way the policy worked is you can't start HRT while deployed. (Presumably because of the increased burden of regular blood draws earlier on) If you were seeking to transition you needed the approval of your commanding officer, and that could be denied only if you were deployable and hadn't deployed yet.

There was also the option in there for your CO to basically grant you a year to go to college or something while transitioning to generally make integration smoother, so you wouldn't be stuck dealing with second puberty and regular military service at the same time. Though I have no idea if anyone actually got that. I know at least on person who didn't, or didn't take it anyway.

There's a bunch more nuance, rules, and tricky ways people got fucked over by their commands myself included. But at the end of the day, it really caused basically no problems overall while it was an option. And frankly if you can drag a CPAP machine on deployment trans people are less of a logistical nightmare and shouldn't make the top 10 of medical issues that actually might warrant discharge.

[-] Ithral 31 points 3 months ago

That's already a thing. The estate tax only kicks in over 5mil. It's typically dodged by putting all assets in trusts so that ownership never legally transfers it's the trust that owns them. Trusts being a legal vehicle don't die, and can have beneficiaries added and removed.

[-] Ithral 15 points 4 months ago

Baba is you, great little puzzle game

[-] Ithral 56 points 4 months ago

AES is a solid symmetric encryption standard. I support the use of it. However I think you might be referring to something else?

[-] Ithral 90 points 6 months ago

So, veteran here. I've tried to talk people out of joining the military or at least trying to avoid jobs with high probability of seeing combat. Usually the result is they just start prying about what combat is like and make statements about how much they want to experience it.

Another tack I haven't tried but it might be more effective, is to describe how miserable it is to have the stench of a burn pit wafting over you, always wondering if the distant gunfire will move in your direction, being stuck manning a 24/7 watch where if even one person who can do that job dies or is otherwise incapacitated you will be stuck doing 12hr shifts instead of 8. Then you get back home and have to fight tooth and nail for benefits from the country that fucked your life up in the first place.

War is hell, coming home is hell, forcing that on someone can only be justified if they are literally at home fighting off an invading force.

[-] Ithral 15 points 7 months ago

Wait, are you trying to tell me the moon landing was real? It was clearly filmed in Siberia why else would the ground look so white, it's the Siberian snow obviously.

[-] Ithral 15 points 8 months ago

Become a trapdoor spider, and leave a basket of Bed Bath and Beyond gift cards outside your door as bait?

Step two say ????? No idea what really. Maybe cross your fingers you have a shared interest and the whole kidnapping thing isn't a big deal.

Step three be in a relationship, and probably learn to leave room more often.

[-] Ithral 18 points 9 months ago

Meat chickens are called broilers, and egg chickens are called layers. Since they have been selectively bred for each specific purpose

[-] Ithral 126 points 9 months ago

If only they had stuck with that

submitted 9 months ago by Ithral to c/trans_voice_help

this video helped me a lot, and was my primary reference when starting out with voice training, strongly recommend

[-] Ithral 28 points 10 months ago

The best kind next to feta

[-] Ithral 78 points 11 months ago

Would be nice if we could unfuck the US, also if we could take a bit of money from the military to get heat pumps and induction stoves, and just skip the gas

[-] Ithral 27 points 11 months ago

Let's gooo, some good news

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