My sister in-law? Broke as fuck, came across a windfall from an accident that never came up before, spent more than a third of it on... a fucking F-150 platinum. Still deep in debt, living in low income housing, doesn't have a job.
I'm saddened by the fact that my first assumption is it was blown up because it was named Rainbow.
We could make billionaire jerky and pickled billionaire.
I did this today. Beats the shit out 2.5 hours before it goes off, and nicer than hitting snooze every 5 minutes for half an hour.
I too was having screen issues. Once i had accidentally started the call, I waited for them to answer, explained what happened, and apologized. I then stopped fuckin' around with my broken ass phone.
Something something identify as a attack helicopter. Hur dur der.
I tried using an old phone as a dashcam for a while. It just kept overheating. That's my vaguely related experience. Thanks for reading.
2.25% bitches. We ain't goin' nowhere for another 26 years.
Lobbying is supposed to be making your case to a politician, and hoping they vote/propose a bill/etc. With that interest in mind. You yourself are allowed to lobby your congress critters...technically.
Hurry up chucklefucks, get out there and pay your stupid tax! Bonus points for holding up the line, during the afternoon rush, at an already busy gas station.
Sim City strats FTW!
Mass shootings in the news came up a couple o' days ago at work. It quickly devolved into it's all n-words shooting eachother, because that's what n-words do.
Did you know trump is gonna eliminate the income tax once he's elected?
I hate being in a red corner of a blue state.