Idk if I am doing a peter explains the joke but fortuneately not, I'm playing off "I had it three times too/two!"
The use of class as a discriptor is ironic lmao
I literally gave my iphone away and went straight into pixel 3 and calyxOS, been loving it! Got termux, and therefore have zotify working on a debian instance so downloading music is an absolute brease :3
Mark Rober is a dick tho
Afaik you can find some on Nexusmods, but I'm pretty sure there is a dedicated site for hosting them. Check out r/assettocorsa on reddit? (I know I know ew but it's still great for info)
Starting to read this book, so far no reviews or anything in the book indicate it's a trans or queer story in any way, I feel betrayed.
So long, space rule
When not playing games through an emulator yea
I think I went Mint - MX Linux - Opensuse tumbleweed which is where I have stayed for the last year and loving it
'$ ' indicates a new command (pressing enter) do not type in the space when doing command, only for legibility here.
First type in zotify, in which you can log in, if you don't care about 320kbps music please feel free to make a new Spotify account for this purpose, as if the (very very low) chance it gets banned who cares, idk if 10minutemail works with Spotify.
To search and download something:
$ zotify
$ Keyword for song, album, artist name (eg. The Dark Side of The Moon)
$ number of your selection, top ten of each are shown with a number next, just enter the number and enter
To Download an album, playlist, etc straight up
Copy link of playlist, album, etc in Spotify
$ zotify "paste link here"
It's that easy, should just straight up download
Options; use these by just adding them into the first zotify command after the word 'zotify', change values to whatever you want it to do
--download-lyrics=false : does not download the .lrc file and therefore no lyric metadata
--download-format=mp3 : sets download format to mp3, can change to flac, ogg, vorbis, opus (what I use), etc
--download-quality=very_high : if singed in on a premium account, the download quality will be 320kpbs, this should automatically happen, set to high, medium, etc to use free tier listening quality
zotify -l : stands for liked, simply downloads all songs the user has liked
These can all be used in the one command, by just stating one after the other eg:
zotify -l --download-lyrics=false --download-format=mp3 --download-quality=high
If any of this is wrong or does not make sense feel free to let me know and I will clarify, this was made at 4am after cleaning up dog shit :)
E:oh I don't remember how to change directory, I just download them cut and paste to new one, takes 2min even for 2000 song playlists if you have an SSD for me at least
A medicat install, insanely useful.