Very confusing to put the same generation on different heights... Family trees should not be made into vertical smartphone-format...
Vermutlich leider das zweite. Wie auch Trumpisten Angst haben vor einer "gestohlenen Wahl".
Vergiss nicht, es sind die gleichen antidemokratischen (russischen?) Köpfe hinter beiden Kampagnen. Russland, China und andere zwielichtige Staaten versuchen seit langem etablierte Demokratien durch Polarisierung und Spaltung zu erschüttern.
Or a spoofed number, it works with calls, I assume it also works with SMS?
Another round of "Foreign speaker, crappy AI or Brain damage?"
Things to add: Tofu Tempeh Oat-Milk Almond-Milk Maybe Goat-Milk or sth
They pulled DMs of two users of the same instance?! Quite concerning tbh
Yep, a truly great game, deserves every award it got
I can do that!
To a degree at least, just got gratually better over the last few years without deliberate stretching or severing anything. Altho I mostly use it to get slime out of my throat instead of caughing. Now just tried it to get up to my nose, nothing there at the moment.
I guess I am almost at the "third stage" distance wise.
It helps to exhale quickly to get the meatflap out ontop of the thongue. (Second picture)
I've did research if one could choke on their own thongue several times, because I was worried that it would "fall down there" or get stuck or sth, like a dislocated jaw or a scrotum torsion or sth.
Imo its the other way around. If you experience art, you think about it and try to get a meaning out of it (even if there is none, as in some modern art pieces). But if you just play a game you are not getting the art-aspect of it, you just enjoy it for the gameplay or maybe even the story but not for the deeper meaning.
The Dwight K. Shrute of birds
Join a local sports club, meet new people, volunteer, have fun for cheap.
Missed opportunity to have called it "LeBeestro"