[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 20 points 1 year ago

This actually gets me thinking... Is anyone actually working on an aids vaccine? Maybe mRNA could do something there, theoretically it should be able to grant pretty much any type of immunity you can have naturally

[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago

I think it's a combination of less presence/engagement in niche content, sorting methods not quite being there, and not enough discovery without going out of band to find things

One thing I really miss is the science groups, askscience always had great debate that I haven't yet found here

[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

He's not an idiot or anything, but he's pretty ignorant about a lot of topics, particularly science. He's quick on the uptake, but he isn't good at understanding how things fit together

That's fine, it's a fantastic way to do interviews. It's a stand-in for the audience - he says "I'm a dumb guy good at punching, so can you break it down really simple?" People that are sharp don't feel patronized, and people that are actually dumb feel it's much more approachable

The problem is somewhere along the way, Joe started believing people were there for him and not the guest, and he started doing more talking and less listening when he doesn't agree with what's being said (especially since he has some pretty bad takes)

[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

After tech Jesus posted that, a former employee came out about all sorts of stuff about the work environment were pretty horrible

[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

North America, South America, central America, the Pacific islands... The list goes on.

This isn't some kind of metaphysical crap, they respected the land so it would provide for them. Respect in this context means you're mindful of what you take, and you plant the seeds to help more grow down the line. You hunt the herd, but you also chase off predators and make sure it stays healthy.

Some of them didn't have to take food with them when they traveled, because over generations they stocked the forest with edible plants. They knew how to, but they often didn't have to plow the soil because their ancestors artificially selected for the environment into being great for humans

They surrounded themselves with food forests. The uneaten food draws in animals too, making for easy hunting. No worries of depleting the soil, you don't have to work the land, you just walk around and gather what you need

It's very efficient and probably what humans did in most places that had good conditions. You get to spend most of the day on your hobbies and hanging out. They had trade networks from Argentina to the Pacific Northwest. They had advanced math and their technology was moving at a reasonable speed. They had hundreds of thousands of people, and plenty of room to grow

Farming has one advantage - a small group working their asses off can feed a much larger group. That let's you field big armies with bupply lines, and then you can turn the "savage" land into farmland, and extract profit from it while denying their food source

Their situation wasn't unique, every indigenous people either had forest gardens or managed herds of wild animals. They even had empires like the incas and the Maya, who were able to build roads, pyramids, and floating cities with huge populations

That's why they started wars when people started killing buffalo for profit and leaving the meat to rot - they were willing to share because they had more than enough due to generations of work, and profiteers slaughtered their food source for no good reason. It wasn't moral outrage, it was an extensional threat

They rejected the idea of ownership of the land because it wasn't theirs to exploit, it belonged to future generations. And that's why our generation is fucked, because capitalism isn't about efficiency, it's about maximization

[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

On one hand yeah, I'd look at us pretty dimly from the outside

On the other, we've been kinda fucked. Our mental health is in the gutter, we're unable to make connections the way every other generation could, we're missing all these milestones like buying a house and having kids and older generations keep telling us it's our fault.

Even as far as voting, we've been fucked. Previous generations had a choice - we get an ultimatum

They just keep gaslighting us.

We don't have the money, we don't have the power, but we do have the numbers and as a group we're not ok... Frankly, there's no way this ends well. It's hard to comprehend how the powers that be haven't realized that and thrown us a bone now and again

[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Huh... I'm a huge proponent of brushing your tongue (it doesn't take much, just a brush with a scraper on the back makes a big difference). I've never really tried washcloths, but now I'm going to give them a shot

On the flip side, my skin is weird. I get hives for literally no reason, I tried one of those plastic poofs and it makes me itch like crazy.


[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

IDK if you can convince it to run on Linux, but I've been pretty happy with paint.net lately

It's basically a newer project like gimp. It's got the core abilities and appearance of Photoshop. Feature wise, it's less than gimp or Photoshop, but what it has works decently well

Most importantly for me, the UX is much better than gimp... Not as good as Photoshop, but I find stuff is usually where I'd expect it to be

Obviously it's built on .net, so theoretically it could run native on Linux... Not sure if anyone has done the work to make that actually happen

[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago

Biden was old in 2020, he was old in 2016 too. So was Trump.

Nominating younger options would be great... Except we have 2 parties who have special rights and few restrictions - they can straight up throw out nominations if they want, and they've convinced the public at large that 3rd parties aren't an option

We need ranked choice voting desperately.

Personally, I also think all votes should be write-in. If you don't know which office they're running for and can't spell your candidates name correctly, you haven't met a very low bar of education on the topic. Maybe your vote shouldn't count

[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Oh for sure with valve - they're still a company and they're certainly capitalist, which basically means they'll get more cold and ruthless, and it means they're making money for someone else through their labors

That's still anarchist though - no ruler, not no rules. They don't get told what to work on or how - the threat of getting let go (with a reasonable chunk of severance) doesn't make it not anarchist. Neither does the fact they don't get to keep their profits

You can mix and match systems - you can have pure anarcho-capitalism or anarcho-communism, although by operating in a predetermined framework it's not really pure anarchism

The ranking system doesn't take much away though, team roles are aren't assigned, they're ad-hoc. And with software we don't have the same hierarchy within a team unless there's a massive gap in skills/experience. You can't code what you don't understand after all - leadership is more about communication. You might have an architect designing the big picture and a team lead coordinating, but even in strict chains of command, programmers usually write tasks as a group then choose their task from what needs doing and what they feel confident in

But anyways, it might've been transformed to be more corporate over the years (I dug into all this a decade ago), but it was certainly designed to be anarchistic - that doesn't mean good, not exploitative, in any way fair or equal... Just that the group functions through the individuals autonomously working towards the groups goals

[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

There's a lot - it's the default organization structure for humans.

Friend groups are more often than not anarchist. Valve (the makers of steam) is designed as an anarchist company where workers freely start and join projects (they're not the only ones with a similar structure, but their employee handbook is an interesting read). The fediverse is generally anarchist

There's very few pure ideological systems out there - certainly there's never been a pure capitalist or pure dictatorship. There have been pure anarchist communities out there, because it's not rule by consent or through will of the people, all it takes is people coexisting with an aversion to hierarchy

[-] FoxAndKitten@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

I have an interesting protocol for this.

Moonlight rituals. The idea is, you get a bunch of people together, say 20-50, in the same place at the same time. Everyone opens an app, and it takes control of the screens and gives semi-random actions - like hold up your phone to the user to the left of you, get everyone in a circle with phone screens on your chest and walk forward, enter the middle of the circle and slowly spin around, hold it up to take a picture of the moon...

The idea is, you constantly change the screen, take synchronized pictures, record audio, get flickers in gps signals, record fluctuations in the magnomiter.

The idea is to synchronize everything with millisecond precision, randomly take snapshots both across the group and between groups, and use all this to corroborate the fact that there was one user per phone present at this point in space and time. By using reality to generate enormously complex data sets, you can make it arbitrarily difficult to simulate, and doing it in real time could use cheap hardware and require processing orders of magnitude faster to spoof.

Doesn't matter how much processing you throw at it - a system like this would theoretically be able to measure gravity waves and stellar radiation - no way you to measure that and adjust your data before you time out the recording window

On top of nodes doing all this, you'd build a web of trust with random nodes spot-checking each other.

It's crazy and impractical, but I love the idea just because it's turning technology to magic - making group rituals to authenticate is just such a fun concept to me

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