Cheney was always one of the most reprehensibly right-wing Congresscritters, but lots of lefties love her because she voted to impeach Donnie Trump, and she gives great lip service to the Constitution. I have enthusiastically never been in the love-Liz crowd. She's opposed to gay rights, women's rights, minority rights, health care rights, human rights, etc, and she doesn't give a damn about the Constitution — she just doesn't like Donnie.
I would really like an answer to that.
The answer is, if Kamala Harris says anything less than wholeheartedly supportive of Israel's ongoing war crimes, she'll be slammed all across the media for anti-Semitism. That's rancid but it's a fact, so she's probably politically smart to shut up about it until after the election.
I strongly suspect that if she wins, Ms Harris still won't say much about the genocide. But... she's better than Trump, on this and every issue.
Devolved? No, man, I've always been this way.
Did some research, actually, and concluded long ago that most 9/11 skeptics and truthers are empty-headed fools — and all the ones who say "do your own research."
It's treason, and Republicans want a second try at it.
Prosecutors said Haspil had been hired as an assistant for Saleh, whose ventures included a ride-hailing motorcycle startup in Nigeria, but quickly began to siphon money from Saleh’s businesses.
That's a painfully clumsy sentence. Has AP no editors?
This really plugs my drain, man. When I worked in payroll, I would've known it was dicey accepting gifts from employees or managers. And I was nobody, just an ordinary worker-schmoe.
Judges should be held to a higher standard, not no frickin' standard at all.
It wasn't my croppage, but I've fixed it, thanks.
I will try to hold back too many profanities, but it's seriously FUCKED UP that anyone but this woman and her doctor know that she's pregnant, with a doomed fetus, and needs an abortion, and it's FUCKED UP that anyone gets to overrule her decision, and it's FUCKED UP that she has to flee the state during an obviously traumatic time, and it's FUCKED UP that the FUCKERS will vilify her now, hell maybe even prosecute her, and it's FUCKED UP that making a difficult time much more difficult is "good politics" in the state of Texas, which, by the way, is an utterly FUCKED UP place.
Like Trump, Santos never told the truth about anything, but remember that a majority of Republicans in the House, 112 of 222, voted not to expel him.
Definitely an all-time favorite. I'll see anything with her in it.