[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 54 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Lidl’s got their fucking ground covered. They are not even just in Europe. They’re a major brand even in the USA. Same with Aldi. These two cheap discounters are not messing around.

Small hint: it should be Aldi Süd. Not Sud.

Sud is disgusting (basically meat juice) while Süd is a „direction“.

[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 42 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I feel like I’m being trolled right now. This cannot possibly be real.

And this guy is actually the president. Fuck America. How could this happen.

I fucking had less boxes when I moved into my new apartment lmfao.

The printer is a nice little touch. Love the black accent between all these white boxes.

I mean this honestly: You would tell me if this was fake, right? This is actually real?

[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 41 points 3 days ago

Be safe bro. Do not take your wife anywhere near that shithole.

They need to get their democracy back and prove that they can sustain it. Your wife would be in danger. Good decision by you.

[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 96 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Travelling to the USA right now sounds absolutely insane. Like who would even consider it?

You get to the airport. Then you have to unlock your phone and let a random moron sift through its contents.

It’s literally a recipe for disaster/arrest. The cops over there are fucking deranged. Sorry for any good ones. But you’re like the 1%. Police brutality in the USA is shocking to Europeans. I would be scared to be pulled over. Am I getting a ticket or a headshot/arrested for years?

Also I could imagine that if you refuse to unlock the phone, you’ll also be arrested. And by „I could imagine“ I mean 100% sure.

They could plant anything in there or claim they found terroristic messages. No thanks.

The USA are like Russia and Iran now.

And to think that, as a teen, I actually dreamed of moving there. Good lord thanks mom and dad for telling me it’s a fucking stupid idea. I would regret it now.

[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 23 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I disagree. China is a scary place with face recognition and all that shit. I wouldn’t ever travel there. If my job sent me there, I would rather quit than travel to china.

Fuck china. Also Chinese culture in general is pretty unappealing to me, who is used to a free life without all these stupid and arbitrary „rules“ like having to be married or else you’re worthless and all that crap.

Also their factories have grids in front of windows so workers can’t kill themselves by jumping out. Tells me all I need to know.

I hate the whole thing, not just the government.

But please note that I do not blanket hate all Chinese people though.

[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 23 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

As a German I hear you. Internet is an actual embarrassment over here. I’m on a 50k Mbit connection and that’s the most they can offer me. 100k is out of question, they told me to ask again in 2028.

Even some African nations probably have better internet than this. Germany is the third richest country by gdp btw.

[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 45 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Not really. A large portion didn’t even vote at all, which is even worse in my book.

„Here is Kamala Harris. She’s not perfect, but she values democracy and loves her country.

Here is Donald Trump. He is senile, deranged, corrupted and shares classified information with the USA‘s mortal enemy. Also he hates the poors and gays and wants to take their rights away.“

„Idk. They are kinda the same. I opted not to vote.“ 🥴🫠

[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 79 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Fuck Starlink. Europe is working on its own alternative and it would be actual traitor behaviour to still make a Starlink contract. If anything it should be banned.

Fuck Elon Musk. I want to see him crying and poor. Or „worse“. ☺️🪦💀

[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 31 points 3 days ago

Yeah, but that’s only as long as they target the US with their bullshit. Dictatorships don’t exactly have a history of stopping after „defeating“ their enemy. They’ll find new ones (spoiler it’s gonna be Europe).

[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 76 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I‘m having a hard time grasping the whole thing. It’s actually insane that THIS happened. I feel like I am having a fever dream lol.

Talk about boldness. This is just ridiculous haha. Man should be in El Salvador right now. Not the White House.

Also, that bathroom looks fucking ugly. How can you have infinite money and then use it to make a room like this…

[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 93 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Is… is this the real picture? Of the classified material that was shared by trump? Holy fuck lmfao. I thought it was like one letter or something, secretly hidden under the rug; this looks hilarious I’m sorry.

[-] DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee 147 points 3 days ago

That country fucking sucks ass.

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