[-] AwakenedAce 15 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Right, except that's not politically motivated, and is a useful change for people reading the code, both for women and non-binary people.

Calling pronouns "political" is the dogwhistle they always use

[-] AwakenedAce 16 points 2 weeks ago

Practically nonexistant, it is not possible for children under 16 to access HRT, if anything they are prescribed puberty blockers (so that you know.. they can avoid suffering from the changes in their body and not be permanently affected).

The general figure of regret for transgender affirming care is 1%, and 82.5% of these people do not detransition because they are no longer trans, but because of external factors. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33794108/

By age 17, 0.1% of trans children get HRT. Source: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/2828427

Now let's calculate some numbers: 1% of these 0.1% will regret it, that's 0.001%. And 17.5% of these might not be transgender, so that's 0.000175%

According to that second study, there's about 300000 trans children, so 0.000175% of that is 0.525 people.

So... less than 1 child in the whole United States would maybe regrets it because they're not trans. In other words, you can stop fear mongering.

[-] AwakenedAce 27 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

And yet some kids do know they're totally straight, or gay, or transgender, before they even turn 12, or 11, etc.

They might not have the vocabulary to express it, and others might not know how it works or how they feel, so that's just all the more reason to teach them.

Imagine if we treated any other subject like this: "oh the children have no idea how it works, lets not subject them to it". It doesn't make sense, of course they don't understand if they've never heard of it.

[-] AwakenedAce 19 points 2 weeks ago

This was in November 2022, here's a link to the original post https://x.com/TaylerUSA/status/1594074742797090820 (ew, I hate linking to Xitter)

[-] AwakenedAce 8 points 1 month ago
[-] AwakenedAce 9 points 2 months ago

Outer Wilds, it has exactly everything I love. I wish I could play it again for the first time, though being unable to do that is one of the reasons I love it

I highly recommend it, it's great, just don't spoil yourself by watching things, even the trailers honestly

[-] AwakenedAce 19 points 3 months ago

Well, it's a neopronoun, so while it's popular enough for most people to understand what it means, in my experience "iel" sadly gets a lot of pushback ("oh but we don't do that in French" etc.) which means it's rarely used in contexts other than to refer to non-binary people who have expressed a preference for "iel".

[-] AwakenedAce 13 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Indeed why dating?

[-] AwakenedAce 22 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Really mods, banning someone for doxing a Nazi? Even though you're on .world I'd have expected better, I understand that you guys have rules but like..

[-] AwakenedAce 8 points 3 months ago

Well that sucks, I somehow missed that, hopefully the fact that the women participating in the American version of 4B will likely be more left-leaning helps keeping the movement away from that hate

[-] AwakenedAce 11 points 3 months ago

The 4B movement in South Korea is meant to oppose their patriarchal state because they don't want to be viewed as reproductive tools.

On the other hand the movement you're talking about is meant to "protect" against feminism and oppose a supposed bias against men in society, which is ludicrous when you consider that women are discriminated against much much more to the point it's not even comparable. It's just a misogynistic movement.

So no, this isn't hypocrisy, these are very different.

Now, if men made a movement to protest gendered expectations or real problems without jumping through a thousand hoops to blame feminism, and without its logic being based in misogyny, I think that would be better received.

[-] AwakenedAce 20 points 5 months ago

The way I understand it is that they can relicense it and then publish it if they want, but the GPL would still fully apply to the previous versions.

The first question you cited seems to refer to any different organisation/individual making changes to the source code. And the second seems to refer to revoking the GPL for an already released version, which they would of course not be allowed to do.

This would make sense as ownership of the copyright would supersede a license.

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