What I'd love is if her brother showed up with her too. (I love the rel-life connections.)
Except I'm not really sure what the look is, it doesn't really feel like any ST aesthetic. The delta is obscured at all times, and the rest is not really Star Trekky.
I would guess CTV would want to do a weekly release, as normal television goes, and Netflix putting out all the episodes at once kind of ruins that. People who want to watch will go online and pirate/VPN it from Netflix. So them putting it on their tv line up ends up being business-stupid.
But why not just stream and also put them all out at once, too? Must they also broadcast on television? I really don't know the intricacies of television networks. CTV has the rights for both (otherwise they couldn't do both), but I presume it's only their own internal policies that would prevent an online-only release.
Sorry to be very late to reply.
I know two people who were Christians in Afghanistan, they are both now in North America. When they were found out, they fled their homes with little more than the clothes on their backs to India. They did not know each other in Afghanistan (they came from different states), but became friends in India. One fellow was there for 7 years, the other for 14 years. India does not recognize refugee status, therefore they were undocumented (illegal) people with no rights or the ability to work legally. They got by by doing under-table work for cash and by the kindness of others. They still faced attempts on their lives in India, too, by other Afghan Muslims living there. Since they were not there legally, they could not go to the police to report the assaults. The guy who was there for 7 years, he was sponsored to leave India and go to another country as a refugee. After he settled and eventually became a citizen, he started the process to sponsor his friend whom he'd left behind. They, and their church, are now sponsoring more refugees.
Are they okay? That's hard to say. I mean, they're doing much better because they are safe, but they have certain behaviours borne from their hardships and traumas. They are very mistrustful of the government, for one; it's basically unbelievable to them that there can be government programs that are beneficial to them. There must be strings, or some way for the government to spy on them. Sometimes I see self-soothing behaviours, like one guy kind of holds himself and rocks back and forth. They need therapy, but that kind of thing is not really within their radar. But they are still compassionate people who are very hard-working and dedicated to helping or saving others who were in the same situation as they were. I don't think they will ever have "peace" so long as there's more injustice to fight against in the world.
On the other hand, if Rutherford and Tendi don't get together and be really cute by the end, I am going to riot.
You can download Signal APK directly from their website.
In some different countries, WhatsApp is how people conduct business. I am anti WhatsApp in my regular life, but I used it with a VOIP number when I was traveling abroad.
It's one thing to tell your friends and family you use Signal, you can't tell literally every business. Well, you can, they just won't to do business with you.
I have sensitivity to certain lighting and find amber glasses help me a lot. I don't know if it's the same as your issue, but it's be worth trying. I first tried it with a pair of $10 clip ons I bought at the hardware store. They were meant for highlighting contrast for outdoor activities. One since gotten prescription glasses with amber lenses for work.
You need to check your reading comprehension. I never said there's any such dichotomy about FOSS as a general concept. I specifically named Gimp, Inkscape, and Scribus before and after that sentence. Just because a FOSS "alternative" exists, doesn't mean it actually is an alternative, or at least an acceptable one. Each software has to be evaluated individually. In the case of Gimp, Inkscape, and Scribus, they would not be acceptable in a professional creative space.
You're right, its going into someone else. Someone else who's probably going to die in a more immediate circumstance than PFAS poisoning.
I'm all for not using Facebook, but this is really dumb. The federal Gov't and media outlets gave Meta and other SM platforms an ultimatum: pay for linking to news, or don't link at all. Meta called the bluff and chose the latter. Now the Gov't and media outlet are crying foul.
It takes a lot to make me defend Facebook, but they are absolutely not in the wrong here. They are playing by the government's and the media outlets' own rules. It's not even malicious compliance, its just compliance.
Have these media and the government even offered to make an exception for emergency messaging? I think they would say so of they did (to make themselves look better). The lack of say-so is telling.
Instead they're trying to shame and coerce Meta into paying them. Well, shame on the govt and shame on the media.
I had missed this. I'd hung five season's worth of ship-hope on them, but I regret nothing because they're adorable and they had better get together in the comics!!!!