I fear that I'm on this path. Like I don't want to die, I just often find myself thinking how much of a pain in the ass it is to be alive. Right now, if I didn't have children I'd be in a different place; the fact that I have others relying on me is enough to make me care. But I fear that once they are on their own, I won't feel much reason to stick around. I'm actively working on mental health but I can't shake this apathy in the deep down of my brain.
I mean, the article goes into how their real estate was gutted, which could have provided a safety margin for them to restructure. But again, I care nothing for red lobster, but I see the same pattern as happened with so many others. Read into Sears or Toy-R-Us for example. It’s the pattern of these parasitic private equity firms. They look for these struggling businesses that have assets they can come in to exploit, hastening the demise.
In the end it’s not so much that I care about these businesses survival as I angers me to see a few corporate fucks stripping away the value that workers had built over the years and leaving destruction in the wake.
So right, I get all that, but I’m not terribly interested in retribution for what got us here, I’m interested in tangible ways to go forward. I think all our choices are shit right now so what, just don’t vote so that I can sniff my own farts for being above it all?
I’m at the point where I agree…ish. I do believe that there is a lot of deliberate actions by the power structure of both parties but I see some actual humanity and thought coming from one side, pure spite and malice from the other and complete and utter insanity from the comedy option. Problem is the humanity in the party has gotten nothing done (not for their lack of trying) and has no control so I am have officially given up on them.
So I’m left with zero options. Great fucking country we have here that I’m utterly trapped within.
just look at the abortion debate, folks are celebrating that AZ now has a 15 week ban instead of a full ban.
I eat the whole banana, skin and all. Who has time for peeling?
Isn’t she already?
I showed them by having a successful and happy life. Nothing else needs to be said.
US but IMHO there's several places that could say the same.
That shit really worked though. reagan used to be a punchline in our house back in the 80’s and 90’s (was default family knowledge that he was essentially a supervillain). These days, at least to certain relatives, he’s now basically a saint.
Sure, it’s available in several databases you can find on some very credible sites 🤣
Mostly due to the current world kerfufles.. but I agree in principal. I’m not fond of nearly any dems in leadership but I want them in power so that we can focus efforts on fixing the party rather than an existential crisis to democracy.
It was meant somewhat tongue in cheek, I realize the parties are miles apart. However, if the entire republican party disappeared, we’d still have a shitshow of a government.
projection and propeganda, full stop.