The roundup! I knew I was forgetting something yesterday =D
Yes, I'm still juggling way too many plates at once compared to the spoons I have. Meh. That being said, Finish What You Started began yesterday, so I exhumed an old and dusty WIP to work on. It's Star Wars, reader insert, and it was supposed to be PWP but uh... OK I'm nailing the "no plot" but when you get over a certain amount of angst and psychological analysis it doesn't exactly make the transition to smut easy either x') Time will tell if I manage...
Also earlier this week I had a stupid doctor appointment to renew meds that should be renewed automatically if things made sense, but my point is: waiting room. Doctors' waiting rooms are a space out of reality where I find myself reading books even though I've been basically unable to for years. So I've read Straight by Chuck Tingle. It's not the kind of book that'll spawn fandomy things for me, but if you like horror (or even if you're not particularly interested in horror but are not repulsed either) I warmly recommend it =)