Linux is a useless hassle for most computer users.
I'd go a step further. Desktop computing as a whole is overkill for most users.
As much as I'm loathe to admit it, my cheap Asus Chromebook is likely more than what 90 percent of humanity requires. And most of them could easily just get away with using a phone or tablet instead.
I'm an old school guy. I love a good tower with a pair of monitors and stuff to do my editing and 3D design. But even those intensive tasks are getting better on smaller form factors.
It's just not my world anymore. I've aged out of it.
Why would you say something so brave, yet so controversial?
I could argue the same thing about Windows 11.
Can you imagine an average person going into best buy and buying a laptop, maybe in S mode, forced to make a Microsoft account and wait 5-8 minutes updating their machine before they can use it, just for Microsoft edge to pop up asking them to change their accent color. Or downloading a program online and a big old popup comes up saying "Available in the Microsoft Store!"
I personally argue Linux Mint is awesome and what's best for most people. my grandma (81) didnt want to switch to 10 or 11 after Windows 7 was going to be EOL, she tried mint and she absolutely loved it.
To add to this. Most complaints about windows from linux users are just people who don't know how to use windows, which is kinda embarrassing considering its the most used OS by a really big margin.
Actual direct conspiracy is usually not necessary to achieve the outcomes of most nefarious things people worry about. Two rich people which both want to protect their own wealth can look at each other and their respective actions and then take next steps working to protect their wealth without ever talking to each other and get basically the same outcomes as if they had coordinated. Shared interests and a reasonable understanding of the likely outcomes of choices can be almost as good as direct conspiracy.
It's not collusion, it's game theory. So you can't arrest me.
I'll bite: most people don't give a fuck about the fediverse and the hassle of having to understand it all in order to navigate it is only a barrier to entry that will slowly drive away people until the platforms die a slow, painful death.
Everyone on here saying they like it this way and prefer it over the mess that is Reddit or X are completely missing the point that negative growth will only lead to a failed platform.
Marketing should be banned.
Its sole purpose is to get people to buy shit they do not need, in order to make someone more money than they deserve. All through manipulation of your brain.
It's the sole reason we are over consuming.
not all Christians are assholes who touch kids. a lot of (not saying all) the atheists here are absolutely wild
A lotta internet atheists seem to care more about hating the specific flavor of Christianity they grew up under and didn't like than the concept of religion in general, but they view those two things as one and the same.
They cry foul at (admittedly, abhorrent) outlier behavior and use that as a generalization against a globe of different religious practices without knowing how they affect the day to day lives of various practitioners.
It seems to me they have a larger problem with vulgar hypocrisy and abuse of institutional power than the concept of theism in general.
Like the people hypothetically sentenced to work a restaurant service job so that they're more empathetic to wait staff, I think many internet atheists would do well with a stint as a half-practicing Protestant who's mostly in it for the potlucks or a Reform Jew who prefers to party most Fridays, but makes a point of showing up on High Holidays to catch up with acquaintances.
This sounds like an asshole Christian kid touchers opinion of you ask me… 🤔
this is just true. first time i saw the atheist memes community i thought "huh that seems interesting" then i looked at whats in there and "huh these people just hate cristianity and barely even give good reasons for it"
Copyright and intellectual property as a whole is actually bad for artists and authors and only serves the interests of large corporations.
The idea of ~~coffee~~ copyright is good, but corporate lobbying and the current most-money-wins legal system makes our implementation of copyright harmful. TL;DR: Interface good, implementation bad.
Firefly was overrated and was right to be cancelled.
Get out.
I was digging this thread until this post. I am looking for my pitchfork now.
Well done.
I hate that I’m supposed to upvote this comment.
How can cowboys and hookers in space be anything but fantastic?
we're gonna let religious idiots and selfish fuckwits destroy the entire ecosystem because they're too fucking stupid to understand simple science and too immature to realize they're the fucking problem.
It's not as simple as stupid group of people does bad things. There is a clear and powerful monetary motivation to harm the environment and the people responsible are well aware of what they are doing. They simply do not care.
The climate deniers are not the problem and it isn't every individuals responsibility to dramatically alter their lives and consumption for the smallest effect on our environment. Your average climate denier denier does not make this better obviously but they are a victim of an intentionally deceitful propaganda campaign
I like my expensive steak well done.
Let me say that your comment is on topic and a valuable addition to the conversation. I hope you get many upvotes.
Personally I think you should be banned from eating a good cut of meat ever again. The boiled leather of an old worn out shoe should be a feast for you.
Black tea is superior to coffee, because the caffeine rush is much more pleasant and the crash is mild. It's better at helping you focus and improving your mood. Tea doesn't wreck your stomach lining and turn you into a raving looney when you can't get it. It's cheaper than coffee, pound for pound. The people who run the world are all tea drinkers.
All this revolutionary technology in the world and yet the masses are dumber
Giving people tools does not make them smarter.
I hate Nutella, taste like greasy watered down cheap chocolate.
Almost all of us here spend too much time addicted to what technology has created, it's ruining our lives, we know it, but rather than face that fact, we spend even more time on what technology has created to voice blame on anything but ourselves.
And we are mad at ourselves, but it feels even better to be mad at other people, social structures, and the wealthy. But, we're cheap and easy, so we do the easy thing that makes us feel better, even though it's a cheap and temporary feeling.
No one is right in the Israel-Gaza conflict and I feel like many of the pro-palestine people's ideals are closer to those of nazi's than the ideals of all the people they're calling nazi's.
Yes, except the Israeli government are the ones creating ghettos, actively stealing land and ethnic cleansing.
Neither Hamas or the state of Israel are good, or right, but one of these two has put way more points on the board over the last half century, and it ain't Hamas.
Hamas is the result of Isreal's brutality, not the cause.
Both sides suck. But ethnic cleansing is no bueno.
Spaghetti sucks, no matter who makes it. it's like adult baby food, but worse than actual baby food.
Follow up: burritos suck too
I can vibe with you on spaghetti - I dig it but you're probably not as wrong as you think.
Burritos however... my brother or sister in Christ, you pick what goes in them. If they suck you need to up your ingredient game. Simple as.
Anytime I see something related to hello kitty, my little pony, and now spongebob, I think red flag.
The problem with democracy is, too many people are allowed to attend.
I'm not sure whether I should upvote many of these because I don't agree with them, or down vote because I don't agree with them.
People should not be ostracized or even punished for liking fictional stuff. Yes, i am talking about Lolicon/Shotacon.
The people who claim to fight the hardest for civil rights, actually wind up making the situation worse, not better.
I don't mean the people who fight the hardest, but the people who are the most in your face about it...
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