I used to be able to tell myself that I was okay living in Montana. We were "conservative" but not "Conservative". We had democrats in the Senate and as governor.
But now the things that conservatives claimed they stood for no longer matter. They used to say that they wanted to be left alone. It's why you see so many unironic no step on snek license plates up here.
Even here, where we have a fantastic drag scene and (in the larger areas) a "do not fuck with one of us no matter their orientation or identity" vibe; we're seeing the GOP mind virus take hold.
At our last Pride gathering we had out and open white supremacists begging us to attack them. Our city soccer league has had an, everybody is welcome no matter what, policy. We almost had to cancel this year because our insurance doubled after a single sick bastard took issue with out having three transitioned players. He threatened to come back with his buddies after we confronted him. We still had to file a police report.
And it's not even the majority of ruralites! Both of the incidents I described were Idahoans coming here to stir shit up.