Americans avoiding metric
According to experts from NASA's Johnson Space Center, the meteor in question was just over 60 centimeters in diameter and weighed half a ton (or around 454 kilograms).
The headline is entirely from the Jerusalem post. In Israel.
This makes it even funnier
That's as heavy as 7 and a half men stuffed into a 2 foot wide beach ball
Sorry to interrupt the circle jerk, but... is a bit less cancerous w the ads
Thanks, was looking for an alternative because Sync wouldn't let me upload the image directly.
No it's an instance problem, doesn't allow any image uploads.
This joke was funny half a score and a fortnight ago.
Please give your mass in elephants per corgi³
Approximately 735 kilomice per fathombushel.
This would be density. Mass in elephant and volume in corgi
We will use any, and I do mean anything, other than metric as units of measurement. I think because if you do so much as measure a meter, you'll start sucking dick and change genders or something.
Can confirm. I started working at an Asian automotive manufacturer using metric measurements and I came out as bi and started HRT within two years. We need to shine a light on the straight man to bisexual metric femboy pipeline that's destroying America!
Obviously you don't need to answer because it's not your job to educate anyone about your identity, much less a random stranger. But I've never heard of hrt for a man-to-femboy. Would you consider yourself cis? Is femboy your gender identity, or do you consider yourself a boy who just chooses to present feminine? (I'm agender so I don't even know what it's like to identify as anything at all!)
I actually just thought the phrase "metric femboy" sounded funny. I could have probably used "metric catgirl" and it would have been more accurate.
Serious answer: Femboy is sort of an intermediate step of sorts for me bc I haven't come out publicly yet. I definitely identify as trans though.
Maybe 🤔 f you weren’t staring so much, that wouldn’t happen.
(The typo made it even funnier)
"The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets forty rods to the hogshead, and that’s the way I like it!"
I guess not.
Right now, hundreds of upper middle class suburbanite Texans are furiously looking for the breeder who will sell them a coveted elephant sized meteor corgi.
Half the phone system in Dallas just went down.
How many nautical wombats to a baby elephant again?
Corgis are the Queen's measurement. Elephants are the African measurement. Stop mixing and matching!
Is this a European or African meteorite?
gets yeeted
And once we determine how many parsecs of velocity the meteor had we can calculate AA batteries of kinetic energy.
Who downvotes this? Especially knowing that voting is entirely irrelevant- what is wrong worn people?
So... like... a teenage elephant?
It's four baby elephants now? I swear last time I read this it was two baby elephants.
Careful now, or it'll be 8 next time.
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