*groans in Federation* Why has this post not shown on my side...?
So! I'm not doing NaNo but I'm determined to cheer on everyone tackling this challenge, so have a little "you can do it" dance ♥
As for me: right now I'm trying to finish a fic for a kinkmeme. My inability to focus would be impressive if it wasn't so annoying x') For later this month, I opened prompts in a community to try to liven it up and will choose the prompt I'll write on the 8th. (I already know what it'll be because there's only one prompt and at this point I'm pretty sure no one else will even acknowledge the existence of my post. Well, I wanted to see if people there wanted fanfic, I have my answer.) And for a more long-term project, there's a fic I've wanted to finish for years to post for a friend's birthday in January, and I decided (again) that this year I would finish it dammit. So I have two months for that. We'll see if I do better than all the previous years x')
Now, time to stop procrastinating and go write this damn kinkmeme fic... *glares at open doc*