Trans-Siberian porkestra
Mandu Ramyeon (만두라면)
I steam frozen perogies for one minute (plus pressurization time) in my pressure cooker, then I fry them with onions, beans, and curry. Serve with sauerkraut. It's frigging amazing and you can make it when you're depressed.
That's a great idea! The meal, not the depression 😂
The name is pierogi, it is already plural.
This has always slightly annoyed me, pierogi is often used as the singular
Pieróg is the singular, pierogi is the plural
ha ha, I had no idea, but in private and among friends I've been calling them "pierogs" for years.
Ah shit, my fake polack is coming out.
Pierogi z rāmen
How about, and just hear me out here...delicious.
Oh, it definitely was 😋
Ramogies. Or permen. 😝
Just no... 😂
Yo dawg, I heard you liked starch.
Yeah, definitely carb heavy, but still delicious 😋
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