Except that intersex people have always existed. He can mistakenly argue only 2 genders but there's no way to argue intersex at all.
They don't bother. Intersex babies get involuntary genital survery, trans kids can't even get puberty blockers.
They've never cared, much less thought about intersex people a day in their lives.
Trump is a Nazi, shocker.
~~Headline's possibly a bit misleading. He shared an article from The Washington Times, which featured a pink triangle in its banner image.~~
~~He is a fascist, a bigot, a buffoon, and one of the worst people alive today, don't get me wrong; but unless I'm missing something, this isn't an example of his Nazism.~~
EDIT: Right, everyone seems a lot more concerned about this than I was, so I suppose it's more serious.
I guess I forgot that the tangerine tyrant has the attention span and literacy skills of a brick, and thus would not have read the article and posted it based entirely on the banner image.
I'm sorry if I possibly came across as an apologist. I feel I must make it clear that I would gladly cave his skull in any day of the week, given the opportunity.
I can't find the words to explain my intentions, but they certainly were not to make excuses for that wanker.
Paper thin nazi apologetics
I've edited my comment. I wasn't trying to excuse that bastard's behaviour whatsoever, but I can see how it could come across as that.
Thanks for calling me out!
His people don't know how to read articles. They're simple people, they see anti-queer anything, and they join in support immediately, without thought. Partially because they're actually incapable of thinking.
Just posting it with that image is pretty much proof positive what he's saying. If this gets any coverage, I would bet money he won't try to refute it.