Found the Ultrawide monitor users lol. Voted for ya!
Upvoted it. The inability to use a sidebar (local LLM chat) on the other side with vertical tabs or at all when using sideberry together with their changed stance on selling user data made me move to Zen browser.
Zen allows sidebar and tabs on other side?
The simpler proposal would not make Sidebery work, because it is a sidebar popup and thus either that or the other things display.
So that would need 2 real sidebars
Yes, I have tabs on the left and sidebar opens on the right.
Idea Not Found
Tried creationg an account and still don't see it.
Weird, still not published then. I can see it, which was not possible at first either so I assumed that it was online.
Anyways will post again in a day or so
I can see it when clicking in the link. And if I click on the thumbs up it asks me to log in. Muqt be published now I think
Yep, I'm seeing it now too. 👍
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