I love how this implies that all of us in the over 40 crowd are desperately trying to avoid “tells” about our age.
I love how this implies that all of us in the over 40 crowd are desperately trying to avoid “tells” about our age.
That's gen z language. You should have called yourself the skibidi rizzler.
fr fr on god
The "two spaces" habit is because that was proper typing etiquette back in the day. You would lose points on on submitted papers if you didn't do that. I still do th two spaces when typing on a computer but use a single space on my phone.
What’s funny is I finish my sentences with two spaces on my phone because that is the shortcut for a period and a space.
Yeah, I think this is more of an "over 50" thing. Someone who's 40 today would have been born in 1984. That would have had them graduating high school in ~2002 - well into the computer age and not ever having to do anything on a typewriter.
I'm 38 and I do it despite knowing it annoys people. It's just how I learned to type. Idgaf
The MLA guidelines didn't change until 2019.
I’m 35 and I learned two spaces in school growing up :shrug:
Then later I learned it had changed so I stopped doing it. :double shrug:
I'm mid 40s and was taught the double space practice, I guess it depends on when you first learned this stuff, it was very uneven teaching back then
I realize that I have a "two spaces" habit. I have no problem with it. I find the fact that you are so bothered by an extra space after the period to be bizarre.
I do this. I'm under 40. It looks nicer.
Too bad for you that HTML collapses all repeated whitespace, so double spacing after a period on the web does actual nothing.
Not true. Whitespace in html is broken. It works or doesn't work based on inconsistent rules about what is considered "significant".
"Typically, spaces which are visible to the user are referred to as significant, while spaces which are not rendered are considered insignificant. "
If you fucking illiterate children are going to murder language with "u" and "ur", I'll put two spaces after the period, which is the right goddamn way to format anyway.
The double spaces is a holdout from the age of typewriters, where spaces were all the same size. Modern fonts (non-monospaced anyway) already have different spacing between words compared to the spacing after a period.
If “ur” and “u” don’t belong in normal communication, neither does two spaces after a period.
Yep it looks and reads better than a single space.
And I'm going to keep doing it. Fight me.
It appears you've triggered the elderly
We've triggered the kids with spaces. SPACES
Kids want all the spaces to be safe, except for the spaces spaces. Fuck those safe spaces spaces.
Two spaces after a period was the way typography was taught and graded through the late nineties and maybe later. On a keyboard my thumb automatically double taps the space bar after a period. No thought, just reflex. On a phone, I never type a period. My keyboard app automatically inserts a period after a double space.
I will not stop. And whining about it will make me double down.
no, i dont think i will.
If this is bugging you you deserve to be annoyed._ You're looking for reasons to be miserable._. You’re doing it to yourself. _ You give your power away to easily.
Understood. I will use three spaces from now on.
It was designed to stop typewriters from sticking. They taught the habit to me on a IBM computer. It is irrational, but so is life.
Watch me write fuck you in cursive.
I use two spaces and you are all "no cap fr fr skibidi Ohio fam."
Fuck off.
What does my Oxford Comma use say about me?
That you aren't uncultured swine. Or at least that you are considerate enough to put in the effort to make the task of reading your posts as painless as possible.
Imagine publically outing yourself as an agist POS with impulse control issues and an inability to rank issues worth talking about in any kind of sane manner.
Very interesting. I hadn't noticed that before. Something to consider. I'll keep an eye out for that. /s
Is this from that Oatmeal guy? He's always seemed very easily annoyed.
I'm over 40. I do what I want.
33 here and this is how I was taught
You're entitled to your opinion. Congratulations.
OP, this is a genuinely sent post on literally the first day of a new year. I want you to ask yourself something:
Does being bothered by this bring you any form of joy or happiness?
Does being bothered by this bring you any form of stress?
If the later is more true than the former, maybe you should think about that. You're taking time out of your day to be stressed about this thing and if isn't even paying you back in any meaningful way. It took you maybe 10min to make this post? Where would you be if that time was spent doing something you actually like doing instead of trying to bend the world on something so inconsequential as extra spaces?
I don't know if you'll take anything away from this, but of everyone stopped being hung up about things that didn't effect us, we'd all be better off.
Just post something 💛