Fake: Please be fake.
Gay: I don't care, just please be fake.
Fake: Please be fake.
Gay: I don't care, just please be fake.
Don't worry he's quoting an episode of Freinds
holy smack I hope this is not real
I mean, it’s Greentext so
Fake and gay?
I for one would be so happy if this was fake. If nothing else that no one should have to go through that.
For real this is all around tragic
It’s probably fake but I wouldn’t be surprised if this has happened multiple times to multiple different people. Cycle of abuse and whatnot
A 15 year old coming home from work and changing their bedsheets is a tad unlikely.
He said 19
It's heavy but I still miss when greentext got honest like this. I feel like there's very few places left where people are "anonymous" and express their deepest thoughts.
Whether true or not, thank you for sharing op. I hope you got some help.
For people not sure whether to read it or not: it's fucked up and sad. Includes: sexual acts without consent, suicide.
There is no language police here, you can call rape what it is.
I can, yet I choose not to.
The language police don't like that.
Sanest 4chan fan.
I don't use 4Chan.
Your loss.
At least I didn't say "removed."
Yes. I typed the word nredacted and Lemmy censored it.
You act like you use 4chan.
No, I don't. I was responding to how the one user could have said the word rape but didn't, in conjunction with the one who said that there is nobody dictating their language so strongly on Lemmy.
That guy will need therapy. His therapist will need therapy too.
I would like to request that we go back to shitposting. My heart cannot handle this on pre-Monday
I mean this might just be a shitpost as well, we'll never know.
We’ll just hope it is.
FWIW I'm not even depressed by the post, but by the comment section... I just wish the sister would have said something, the dude must be devastated...
As someone that has (or had) a sister who died the same way, I don't even know what I feel reading the comments. These things unfortunately happen. I would feel the "she didn't do it, it's not real" for months after her being gone. I think we just don't want to accept it, but in the end you have to live with it. I hope anon is doing ok. In my situation I didn't had anything to do with and it was painful enough. I can't imagine what he is feeling and I hope he is well assisted to process everything.
First off, I know it's only words, but I'm sincerely truly sorry for your loss. I too hope anon is doing ok, must be rough. Especially since, probably because his sister loved him so much, he apparently didn't experience it as an assault, but rather as "something weird that just is"; so he must miss her, and possibly even beat himself up for having ignored that "weird stuff" instead of seeing it as a cry for help... That sucks, because at 12 he sure wouldn't have had the maturity to see that as a sign, and with time, the "routine" of it would have set in, so it might not have set any alarm off... So yeah, I'm with you there: I truly hope he got some help too, even tho given our society, I'm afraid that even some of the people with the best intent might do more harm than good. Gosh this is though...
Thanks. It's been an year just recently. I got into the mood that I was when it happened, like really depressed, but now I am better. My sisters, and the one that passed away, were my mothers, they raised me because my mom was really tired for a new baby, lol. I really love them and they made life seem perfect to me.
Saturday heavy posting. Man.
I did not expect to read something so heavy. Maybe add a trigger warning? I'm okay, but damn is this sad.
Never kill yourself, but especially never kill yourself before confessing your pain. It's incredible, how different people's perceptions can be. You might just save your own life, and that of your loved ones too.
Oh I am so glad you're ok. The second you called for a trigger warning my heart just reached right on out for you. I was saying to myself out loud, "oh no, peanuts4life are you ok?" and then you said you were. Such a relief.
And your suicide advice? Top notch. I'm going to make sure that every time I hear someone threaten their own life, I'm going to tell them "Don't. First you have to confess your pain. Don't you know how different people's perceptions can be?"
Then they're going to say "Yo, you're right. I must never kill myself, but especially not before confessing my pain."
Such worldly wisdom, I'm practically speechless.
I'm glad you're taking my advice <3 really, the world would be a much better place if everyone listened to me and did the things I said.
Thanks, now I have clinical depression
I'm on MDMA. So I cried... I've read it before but it wasn't as sad as now
Oh christ why are you on Lemmy lol
Couldn't sleep during the come-down. I didn't even take that much.
God I hate the comedown. It wasn't so bad the first few times but after a while it would be so so depressing for a few days/weeks after. Idk what it was I never really abused it I only did it maybe ten times and always spaced out a month or longer. Sometimes over a year. But after a while maybe I was just getting stuff that was cut more or something but the comedowns became almost unbearable. I haven't done mdma in probably like 6 years now. But damn is it ever fun while your coming up and rolling, especially with some good friends and music.
The come down isn't even that bad. You just don't want to stop the good feelings and stay in the ecstacy a little longer. You don't want the night to end.
I hate the come up though. There's always a point I feel kind of bad and as if everything around me is too much. Then I usually need like 10 minutes alone and I'm the happiest boy in the universe. The only good thing about it is that I know that I will feel great in a few minutes.
The come down/crash of Amphetamine though is so bad that I don't want to do it anymore. MDMA doesn't necessarily have a come down when you drink enough (but not too much) and sleep enough, which usually is pretty easy MDMA.
No way to know if it's true or not, but damn it's heavy.
Great, now I'm traumatized.
Man what the hell man