Auth Left is "Free Insulin*"
*Only if you are a party member
Auth Left is "Free Insulin*"
*Only if you are a party member
That implies you can not be a party member. -50 social credit for you
That's what aims to solve.
In the mean time, I heard that there are actually insulin in most phamacies such as walmart that are $25 a vial. No prescription needed and no insurance needed (you need to ask a pharmacist tho). They are supposedly less effective and less reliable? But can still keep you alive at least.
This is not medical advice and I'm not a doctor.
Edit: Snopes Fact Check says "Mostly True":
Yes, but extremely physically irritating and "watered down" per family, making even basic control very challenging, and pain inducing.
Truth is, none of the formulae for insulin have changed much since the 80s when recombinant insulin came into the market. Nonetheless, price had increased by ~2000% (not a typo) since initial introduction in the mid 80s.
The line's going up! That's good, right?
I figured it was kind of like narcan in that they give it out here to whoever asks. I haven't had the misfortune of having to use it yet (either on myself or someone else) but it is kind of nice to have on hand.
I get this is some kind of pedo joke but.... Help?
Oh, a common punchline in these is libright coming out of nowhere with apologia for reducing the age of consent. Nothing to do with insulin. Unfortunately, it does have some truth to it - self-professed libertarians often find the oddest places to bring up such topics.
... something something selling one's body for insulin?
Oh yeah, free Insulin! You heard me! Free them now!
Went into this thinking ephebophillia was some pseudo or old medical diagnosis for fat people, like "Oh, they don't need insulin, they just need to eat right and excersize enough. They have an addiction to sweats and inaction"
Oh that’s dark. Well done.
A place to share your PCMs that you’ve gathered or made over the years! Now with 99% less bigotry! (We still hate Pomeranians on principle)
Here we enjoy jokes related to the Political Compass, a pointless astrological horoscope for political junkies. Libleft best!
Auths no auth - if it's suspected that you're not joking about suspending democracy or whatever radical auth thing is being discussed, you'll catch a ban.
No atrocity denial or apologia - just no.
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