I can recommend Selaco. It's built on GZDoom and one of the best shooters I've played in the last years.
Ion fury and Hedon are solid too, build engine and gzdoom respectively. Selaco though, sometimes it's almost hard to believe it's running on the doom engine.
Agreed, the technical side is super impressive. The 2D character sprites are basically the only constant reminder how old this engine really is.
Xonotic, an open-source arena shooter
I remember playing that when it was Nexuiz (the first time). I may have to crank it up again now that I've been reminded of it.
This is pretty fun, thanks!
Deep Rock Galactic. Rock and stone, miner!
Seriously one of the best coop shooters out there. So much character, and by now there are quite a few different mission types making replayability much better than when it first came out. The constant updates are also nothing to scoff at, especially considering the games price.
Team Fortress 2
i was about to shit my pants that this wasn't mentioned. i love this game. and we're currently botless.
Is it actually easy to find a game without bots and hackers, or is it only on certain community servers?
So for now - fixtf2 worked! There are near zero bots and bot hosters and creators got steam banned. Last scream fortress 2023 was unplayable.... this year I almost cried as I was playing through my contracts with no issues.
Well shit, I guess it's time to reinstall
Try Ravenfield. It doesn't get anymore casual than that. The most fun you can have with a battlefield like game without any of the BS.
Serious Sam
Ofcourse the gane made in my country got recommended.
I finished it already but might be the time to replay it.
Dusk, definitively try that
Anger Foot natively supports Linux, and I'd consider the gameplay loop to be pretty casual.
To sum it up, you kick down doors and shoot your way through rooms while having hardcore EDM blasted at you. It has a Hotline Miami vibe to it, but is FPS.
More like this type of game:
Mullet Mad Jack
Post Void
Any Boomer Shooters like Dusk, ULTRAKILL, Zortch, Cultic, ROBOQUEST, etc.
Combat Master. Like CoD but simpler, no waiting, you start the game and end up playing in less than 2 mins, loading included.
Ravenfield is a great choice if you want a Battlefield like experience, but offline against bots.
Red Eclipse, although I'm not sure how large the player base is
Half Life 2.
Tf2 is the vwst war themed hat simulator out there
Was just playing Gunslinger:Juarez , it is well produced, runs perfectly and is pretty fun.
I finished that game 4 times, might be time for 5th time.
Playing through now. It's really pretty well done. Lots of little humorous touches.
Yeah, runs on Linux fine (my experience was running it from Steam), looks good and is defintelly a shooter.
Turns out it's not really my kind of game because it's a succession of set-pieces (a sequence of fully fledged 3D areas were player progression is mostly linear) but for those more into the shooting and less into exploring or building angles it should be good fun as it's definitely all about the shooting your way through enemy strongpoints (not really about defending from enemy waves).
Yep that's accurate. There is some basic exploring with the secrets but it is sort of tacked on to the main set pieces. Very much an arcade feel.
Good ol counter strike
I played way too much Counter-Strike in college, and I don't regret a minute of it. Then I discovered the "that's so unrealistic bro" genre of shooters like Squad, Day-Z, Tarkov, and Arma, I never looked back.
If you are talking about multiplayer :
- The Finals
- Insurgency Sandstorm
- Hunt: Showdown 1896
- Hell Let Loose
- CS 2
- No More Room in Hell 1&2
Many options !
Hunt: Showdown isn't a casual shooter though
With the exception of the last one which is a co-op zombie shooter, these are all intensely sweaty competitive multiplayer games. The Finals is the most "casual" and that's a battle royale which is generally not considered a casual genre. I:S is literally a milsim...
Would run and gun games count? If so, I strongly recommend the Neo Geo Metal Slug games. They're all sold emulated on PC (GOG for the no launcher requirement).
And on a more usual sense of "shooter games", Saints Row The Third (GOG and Humble Bundle) and UNLOVED (original version is a mod of Doom II afaik). And just a note, Saints Rows The Third, from some tests I did a while back, seems to have a memory leak issue in character customization screens when running under default Wine.
Ravenfield for cartoony/low poly acradey fun
Operation Harsh Doorstop for something more like Project Reality
Iron Maiden
If Sunset Overdrive by Insomniac is too casual and platformy, there are oldschool Quake games just remastered that can make anyone's blood boil with a pretty okay difficulty scaling.
Halo Infinite.. still works on Linux.
Battlebit Remastered is pretty fun but I have limited experience in that one.
Lots of good ones here, but I'll add one I haven't seen, cube 2: sauerbraten
Alien Arena, Urban Terror, Xonotic
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds is really fun and silly. Doom Eternal is also cool.
Mullet Madjack.
Many games have launchers which can be skipped by entering a command to the launch properties in Steam. Check the games info page in ProtonDB
What I mean't by launcher was mostly ea and u play.
Ea since it doesn't work for me and uplay since I don't like ubisoft.
What issue are you having with Battlefield 3/EA? I just installed it last week I think I did it via Lutris
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