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[-] Force_majeure123@aussie.zone 16 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Funny fuck up tonight. I was speaking to a client and had to put them on hold for a couple minutes to get help. I got the help, then called the client back. They didn't answer so I left a voicemail. 5 minutes later when I'm finished with the file, I noticed they're still on hold to me. I'd left them a voicemail while they were on hold to me. At least they thought it was funny when I said "so this is going to seem a bit silly, but I've just left you a voicemail"...

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[-] StudChud@aussie.zone 15 points 4 months ago

So, like, I don't shave my legs. I just don't care, even though the hair is dark and noticeable. I went to the shops in a sundress, and some middle ages white dude looked me up and down, saw my legs and made a very directed "UGH" at me.

Now I'm hot, I'm sweaty, I'm tired. So I whipped around and half yelled "ugh look at yourself you fat fuck!"

I'm in Brunswick, fuck off c-nt

Felt fucking good and I'm still not gonna shave lol

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[-] StudChud@aussie.zone 14 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I would LOVE some insulation in my roof right now. I live on the top floor and the flat roof is a fucking oven for my place 😭 even with the aircon on.

All my quiz assessments are done. I have three pracs I need to catch up on 😭 I can do it I can do it


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[-] Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 13 points 4 months ago

Ordered a pizza because why the fuck not. It's been a hell of a day ☹️

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[-] TinyBreak@aussie.zone 11 points 4 months ago

reminder to run around shut the blinds, get the AC running and all that jazz. Shes gonna be a warm one for a couple of days. More efficent to keep the place cool rather than try cool it down once it heats up. Even just a cardboard box on a west facing window can help HEAPS.

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[-] Baku@aussie.zone 11 points 4 months ago

What a bloody bonza day! Beautiful weather!

Had some pizza for lunch, then scored a free frozen coke off HJs, and I am absolutely loving this toasty weather. Takes a couple hours to acclimate, and gotta watch the water intake, but I am absolutely in my zone today!

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[-] tombruzzo@aussie.zone 11 points 4 months ago

I had an interview with a nearby university today. They have an arrangement with an ebike leasing company and onsite childcare, so I could see myself riding the boys to work in a cargobike on creek trails and dropping them off at childcare while I work. There were technical problems on my end with the interview though, so I hope that doesn't impact things too much

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[-] Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 11 points 4 months ago

Off to the bellarine today. Bit of a hard time convincing mum to come with but got there (probably could've gone about that differently).

Taking her around the garden and showing the new side path yesterday was not a very good indication it's just not safe for her to be alone and it's making me wonder about how to go about exercise / physio. Have to pace this as it's already overload. Basically too many people telling her what do which is pissing her off and will lead to refusal.

Won't be much of a break for her but hoping the change will lift her mood (even though she's shitty she has to come down).

On the plus side dynamic b/w old man and I has completely changed. We're agreeing on everything and whilst more medical stuff, is very (very) new and a nice change.

[-] Thornburywitch@aussie.zone 11 points 4 months ago

The docs gave me some advice about my Mum when her health and cognitive processes started to go haywire - don't forbid anything, don't insist on anything except her pills. Let her drive the process of coming back to life, after a major shock to her system. I suspect your Mum is having a serious self-re-assessment from old healthy person who is essentially OK, to old not-so-healthy person who needs help. This is major major shift. Takes time.

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[-] Seagoon_@aussie.zone 11 points 4 months ago

Ted is on a diet. If he hasn't lost weight by his next vet visit in 3 months I am in trouble.

Ted is now attacking my bum again because he is cranky for dinner. I am going to need bum armour.

[-] Bottom_racer@aussie.zone 11 points 4 months ago
[-] CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 8 points 4 months ago

Buns of steel.

[-] Seagoon_@aussie.zone 7 points 4 months ago

that looks quite kinky 🫥

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[-] CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 11 points 4 months ago

Dog sits beside me. I turn on the microphone. Dog runs away. I've been shamed.

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[-] Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 11 points 4 months ago

Sometimes I want to reach through my monitor and strangle the client.

Time for some r&r

[-] chingatello@aussie.zone 7 points 4 months ago

"Ah, I think I understand the problem with your device. For our next troubleshooting step please pick up your mouse. Now just wrap that around your neck ever so gently... I understand it sounds silly but we're trying to align your bodies electrical field with your device to restore functionality... great, that's done? Now grab both ends of the cable, either side of your neck, and just pull as hard as you can. You might find it difficult to speak for this bit but don't worry. Also black dots appearing in your vision is perfectly normal... great... keep pulling..."

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[-] imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone 10 points 4 months ago

Oh that was a shite week full of shitefulness but it's DONE. Got some important stuff out the door today and I pre-booked myself a ticket to an art show tonight so I wouldn't just flop. Out I go 🌟

Gonna line up a swim tomorrow too. Have booked a car for chores and am aiming to be inside in time for cricket snooozes

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[-] Duenan@aussie.zone 10 points 4 months ago
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[-] Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 10 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Why yes, I think I will use the company uber account to go home after my client meeting.

Edit: client forgot goddamn it

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[-] Catfish@aussie.zone 9 points 4 months ago

Back part of the house hitting that critical point where the cat boxes start vaporising 🤢

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[-] Alamutjones@aussie.zone 9 points 4 months ago

It’s only 9:30, but I’m going to bed. Nigh nighs

[-] Alamutjones@aussie.zone 9 points 4 months ago

Work complete. I'm going for a swim

[-] SpinMeAround@aussie.zone 9 points 4 months ago

I like when I “make friends” with cars on my commute, begin to recognize the same cars/number plates… but then I feel sad for us because we’re stuck in the same shitty traffic.

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[-] Alamutjones@aussie.zone 9 points 4 months ago

Meeting great success, churning through cases, will put cricket on later…today is okay

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[-] indisin@aussie.zone 9 points 4 months ago

After taking a couple of days break from this community as I felt I was posting too much; coming back and skim reading some of the comments / threads:

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[-] MeanElevator@aussie.zone 9 points 4 months ago

Beers, whiskey and weed.

Happy Friday you beautiful people

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[-] RustyRaven@aussie.zone 9 points 4 months ago

I decided to pressure wash the deck this morning. Despite the water spraying everywhere it was very hot. And very dirty.

[-] CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 9 points 4 months ago

Yay. It's Friday, it's beer day, it's cricket day and it's not pissing down with rain. It's a good day. 🏏 🍺🙂

Just gotta wait a bit cos it's in Perth.

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[-] CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 9 points 4 months ago

Here's to Bok Choy appreciation week

*Note: This maybe Pak Choy brother of Bok 🤷‍♀️ anyway cheers foragers 🍺

[-] Thornburywitch@aussie.zone 6 points 4 months ago

That Pak Boy is not appreciating its current situation.

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[-] Alamutjones@aussie.zone 8 points 4 months ago

Massive bowl of crunchy green for lunch

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[-] Catfish@aussie.zone 8 points 4 months ago
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[-] SituationCake@aussie.zone 8 points 4 months ago

I’m so grateful I have aircon. Hope everyone can sleep ok in tonight’s heat.

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[-] Baku@aussie.zone 8 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Ginger beer's on special buy at Coles, 2 x 1.5L Kirk's brand for $3.50. I grabbed a couple and am going to enjoy the sunset from the patio

I've developed a bit of a taste for ginger beer/ale recently. Just goes so nicely with the warm weather. The Bundy ones are my favourite, followed by Schweppes. Keen to try the Kirks

Edit: ive tried it, it's not the best. It's a lot "spicier" tasting than shcweppes ginger ale, and it's been too long since I had a Bundy one to be sure, but I think it tastes spicier than that did too. I'm not really picking up on the ginger though. Plus the lack of a glass bottle makes it a lot less cool

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[-] Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone 8 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Does anyone know a mechanic they can trust? I just want to find one that's not going to take advantage.

I figure I should have one for down the track.

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[-] TheWitchofThornbury@aussie.zone 8 points 4 months ago

Just got home. Closing all the windows/curtains/roller shutters worked. Nice 25 deg in kitchen. The effing houseplants will just have to cope with low light conditions for today & termorrer. Fussy little buggers.

Time to defrost an emergency quiche for din dins. Cbf cooking anything.

Note to self : restock on cheap white plonk suitable for drinking over ice. The current cardboard box is getting a bit light and sloshy.

[-] melbaboutown@aussie.zone 8 points 4 months ago

Melbcat does not like being brushed. Last night she tolerated gentle finger combing and the fine toothed side of my own comb, but I just lost her trust again by going in a bit enthusiastically with the slicker brush.

[-] RustyRaven@aussie.zone 8 points 4 months ago

I am now 100% outdoor cupboard free! The last two were collected off the naturestrip after a couple of hours. I pressure cleaned the deck they used to sit on this morning - it looks a bit shabby and it is very obvious where the cupboards were sitting and protecting the wood. Next step is to put a new coat of decking oil onto it, which is a few years overdue.

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[-] Seagoon_@aussie.zone 7 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Picked up giant heavy box from post office, I had to bring a trolley and drag it home. 5 loads of rubbish taken down to the rubbish room so far, 2 to go. Then washing to hang out on the clothes rack ( I washed the rack, it gets grimy from city smog ) , vacuuming, more washing. It's getting warm here.

one more load to rubbish room, washing has been hung out and another load put in the machine

it's a warm day

last load, an old chopped down pot plant that I can't remove from pot is just too heavy for me to carry, might use a trolley later

[-] Alamutjones@aussie.zone 7 points 4 months ago

I feel very much improved by my swim

[-] just_kitten@aussie.zone 7 points 4 months ago

Not much uni work done today but at least I've ticked off a few more items - dropped off flattened boxes at work, picked up old bike temporarily stored there, printed out pathology referral, dropped off friend's forgotten item northside, grabbed a bit of potting mix to take back, dropped off the old bike at CERES, rushed back home as I'd left lunch there, back at uni, then popped out again to have my tyres looked at again because of the check tyre pressure light - turns out it just needed resetting.

Back now for about two hours before I just go have drinks at work or something and choof off home. Pretty chuffed that there is movement and progress

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[-] CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone 7 points 4 months ago

India all out for 150. Nothing makes me laugh more than r/cricket when India are losing.

BTW 150 is a shit score

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this post was submitted on 21 Nov 2024
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