“So what you’re saying is we need to move further to the right.”
- Democrats and pundits
“So what you’re saying is we need to move further to the right.”
Exactly the message I expect them to take away from this, if 2016 and 2020 are any indication. Zero introspection.
Our constituents' rent went up 15% and their wages stayed the same, so everything is basically ok.
To be fair, the Republicans did all these same things and won all three branches, so...
It shouldn't have to be repeated so often that maybe Republican voters aren't who the Democratic party needs to be gearing itself to attract.
Turns out people who want those things can vote for Republicans. Who offer more of those things!
And the people who did not want those things stayed home.
Because right wingers want that and left wingers don't, that's some surprising maths.
“Voters voted for the choice furthest to the right because they wanted the choice on the left to be more left”
People didn't vote. Significantly less turnout this year than 2020. Further left is more exciting than an idiot chasing endorsement from Republicans.
It's stupid, but if people weren't stupid Trump wouldn't have been a candidate.
2020 had the highest voter turnout in the history of our country because of the pandemic. Without a major motivator like the pandemic, we are not going to hit those numbers again.
So naturally there will be less voter turnout this year.
Democrats and liberals will use any excuse not to consider progress
Yes. People want a populous movement. In the absence of left-wing populism (like socialist reforms), they will take right win populism (fascism).
Democrats campaigned on making billionaires pay their fair share and addressing health care and student loans etc so socialist reforms. But the majority of voters were still convinced that that would make them worse off unfortunately.
That might have been in the footnotes of the DNC platform, but Kamala said none of that.
Here's a quote from Stephen Semler's newsletter:
For example, in this video clip, Stephen Colbert asks Harris, "Under a Harris administration, what would the major changes be and what would stay the same?" Harris replies: "Sure. Well, I mean, I'm obviously not Joe Biden. So that would be one change. But also I think it's important to say with 28 days to go, I'm not Donald Trump."
First, that doesn’t answer the question. Second, that description applies to literally everyone except for Joe Biden and Donald Trump. This is the quality of candidate you get when the Democratic Party chooses one for you.
Key word being, "addressing." Medicare for All? Nope. They're going to address healthcare costs. Student loans insanely expensive for the majority of Americans? They already tried addressing it. What are they going to do? Eliminate the filibuster to pass legislation? Stack the Supreme Court?
They've been a little better on taxing the wealthy, but raising taxes doesn't mean much if you believe the revenue is going towards the military industrial complex or, "woke," agenda, based on your political leanings.
Liberal half measures aren't going to work anymore. They need a full-blown progressive agenda and the balls to ram it through whatever institution is in their way.
Biden campaigned on similar promises and ideals like resolving student debt and improving the economy. Even personally relevant promises like creating a public health jobs corps (relevant to my degree and field of study). The only thing he sufficiently accomplished were the initial vaccination efforts, but it's as if we stopped having an actual president into and after 2022: The filthy rich managed to get exponentially richer with this war-supply economy and stock market presidency. My student debt is still a burden in the back of my mind and all of my available graduate-entry jobs are either severely underpaid or shilled out to robots that also vet my applications. Until the war profiteer and stock market billionaires actually pay their fair share (which they should have been a few years ago) or provide citizens with jobs that can sustain a healthy living, any good socialist promises that are made are flat-out lies because senility and flacid mental acuity won't even be a valid excuse anymore.
Less people voted Trump in 2024 than in 2020. It is not that Trump won, it is that Biden/Harris lost hard.
Trump: 74 Mio. in 2020, 73 Mio. in 2024
Biden/Harris: 81 Mio. in 2020, 69 Mio. in 2024
Stop it Patrick, you’re scaring the liberals. Imagine how shocking it must be for reality to prove that the leftists were correct about everything this entire time. Again.
Really weird how leftists have a 100% accuracy rate about all of history going back 150 years, but I’m sure the liberals will take some Ws eventually.
Just keep barreling towards fascism, libs! I believe in you!
There is no single group of people on the planet Earth as adept at shitting and falling back in it as the Democrats.
They turned "Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory" into an artform.
This why people think they are a psyop.
I don't need convincing. They showed me in 2016 that they're controlled opposition. Admitted it in court.
Wilding v. DNC Services Corp.
Google it for yourself.
Primaries happened. Biden won it, Harris likely wouldn't have, but by the time Joe dipped it was too late to do the process again.
Oh, you mean the primary where no one else had universal ballot access? Where there was only one actually viable challenger, Dean Phillips, who the Democrats drove out of politics afterwards? That primary?
Like, FFS, even the pundit class doesn't pretend that was a serious primary. Stop pretending a ceremonial vote means something.
Those are facts. Do not use them. It makes you look like a decent person and nobody likes that.
I don't get it. Yeah all of these things are horrible but the other choice is literally Hitler. We could say the same thing about them but we didn't win
The term "literally Hitler" is a lot less impactful when democrats have been complicit in genocide for an entire year.
If Trump did what Biden did, I have no doubt you would have called him literally Hitler for it.
Oh I have no doubt since his plan os giving Israel everything they need to massacre every and each Palestinian. At least the Biden administration pretended to care
It happened because fascist enablers didnt vote
If only the DNC had given them something to vote for, instead of appealing to fear and guilt
No. Its the peoples fault for not voting. When the option is fascism or not they shouldnt need anything else. Aside from that Harris had policies which were known and easy to find. There is 0 excuse not to vote when democracy is on the line. Now you never have the chance to vote in a free election again
Threatening and guilting people didn't work, in fact it failed miserably, and your answer is to double down on it? Congratulations, you're now the DNC chair.
110% this. And they still don't get it.
How did dems abandon the working class?
Biden has been the most pro working class president since FDR.
Tell that to the rail workers
US rail companies grant paid sick days after public pressure in win for unions https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/01/railroad-workers-union-win-sick-leave?CMP=share_btn_url
When Joe Biden and Congress enacted legislation in December that blocked a threatened freight rail strike, many workers angrily faulted Biden for not ensuring that the legislation also guaranteed paid sick days. But since then, union officials says, members of the Biden administration, including the transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, and labor secretary, Marty Walsh, who stepped down on 11 March, lobbied the railroads, telling them it was wrong not to grant paid sick days.
“We’ve made a lot of progress,” said Greg Regan, president of the Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, the main US labor federation. “This is being done the right way. Each railroad is negotiating with each of its individual unions on this.”
So let's take a step back and take in what your argument is here.
You're implying that you can be pro worker by stripping them of their autonomy and power... then arranging for them to get whatever tiny scraps the owners decide is worth the PR
Biden has been the most pro working class president since FDR.
That Biden is the high water mark was an alarm bell. Just ask the rail workers.
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