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Late Stage Capitalism
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It happened because fascist enablers didnt vote
If only the DNC had given them something to vote for, instead of appealing to fear and guilt
No. Its the peoples fault for not voting. When the option is fascism or not they shouldnt need anything else. Aside from that Harris had policies which were known and easy to find. There is 0 excuse not to vote when democracy is on the line. Now you never have the chance to vote in a free election again
Threatening and guilting people didn't work, in fact it failed miserably, and your answer is to double down on it? Congratulations, you're now the DNC chair.
But they aren't wrong.
Maybe people should vote every single time then things would improve. But theyre not so they won't. Congrats on the own goal.
It's the candidates job to give people a reason to vote. Harris clearly didn't do a good enough job of that.
The fuck it is.
Someone on reddit (yes I know) put it well so I'll just copy pasta-
Funny that the Republicans don't seem to have this problem
Yes, they have gone all in on authoritarianism. Their platform doesn't demand compromise because it is effectively whatever the guy at the top says. When you have a fascist-loving shallow minded fools on one side and effectively the sane remainder collecting all the rest in the other side, your voter engagement issues are inherently going to be highly asymmetrical.
Okay, but please explain to me how you intend for students to magically become more willing to learn, or citizens more willing to vote. You fight the battles you can, you don't just blame the world or people for being the way that they are. Sure, as an individual, you can do better. Maybe eben influence those around you. Now what about the millions of others who have to change their behavior in order to enact change on the country-wide scale? To fight at that scale you have to be in a position of power, and the only people who are in those positions of power in the US who aren't republicans are democrats. The responsibility lies with the democrats to do whatever it takes to improve voter turnout or fix problems because nobody else has the means and isn't a republican (and good luck trying to convince them to be less shit). Blaming the people just makes them pissed at you and gets you nowhere.
That's what they told me in 2008 too. Then Obama won, and spent 8 years acting exactly like Bush. If the Democrats want their credibility back they need to give us more than just fear of the alternative. They failed and we're all paying the price.
They've learned literally nothing since 2016, same tired Playbook over and over, kill progressive campaigns, neuter those that win regardless, blame progressives when nothing materially changes for the populace and they don't vote for the DNCs annoited candidate. Rinse and repeat
It's a shame too, Harris would have been ok for a lukewarm neo liberal.
Here's the thing, that line of argument does absolutely nothing to invigorate people to vote at this point, you're just shitting on people for having principles and offering nothing besides "the other side is worse". Sorry it's clearly not a winning message, I voted in all but 2016 for dems, holding my nose, but I understand why others do not.
People who chose fascism over democracy have no principles lol And why would I invigorate people to vote? There wont be another election lol
Many people didn't choose either, simply didn't vote because they were not enabled or invigorated to do so.
We'll have to see if Trump actually can end democracy, but trying to pretend the democrats did everything right is laughable, maybe look deeper into why people voted Trump beyond "they're all racists/misogynists" the answer is he spoke to their perceived version of reality and provided answers and a path "forward".
It's all lies and he's absolutely going to enrich himself and his buddies more then the country but when Harris can't firmly differentiate herself from Biden, have a frank discussion about the issues we are facing, and provide a transformative view of the future for the better, it's no surprise a lot of people stayed home.
Comment removed Rule 3 no pro capitalism or its politicians
I did vote, and it didn't do shit. Turns out lots of people want a platform more robust than "vote for me or die"
Alright pal. Go ahead and try to threaten people into voting blue again in 28, we'll see how that goes. After all it was super successful in 16 and 24, right?
Comment removed Rule 3 no pro capitalism or its politicians
The people screaming about protecting democracy accepted a candidate no one voted for and was installed. Installing her was the only way to get her on the ballot.
Comment removed, rule 3 no pro capitalism or its politicians
In the eyes of many leftists and left leaning liberals the DNC shifted too far to the right. They openly welcomed right wing support and right wing policy. They deserved to lose.
Comment removed Rule 3 no pro capitalism or its politicians
We are not Democrat, why would we vote for democrats? I can't speak for everyone else here but I'm a communist, I would never vote for either right wing capitalist owned politician
You are a fascist enabler. You had the choice between fascism and no fascism and chose not to vote. Therefore you picked fascism. Call yourself what you want. You showed that when given the choice you choose to support a fascist.
The only no fascist candidates were green or socialist
110% this. And they still don't get it.
The fascists in this equation are the DNC and RNC. The enablers of fascism would be the DNC and by proxy anyone that voted for them.
The DNC were the party that was against fascism this election. The fascists were Trumpists. The enablers the non voters. They picked fascism over democracy
They're ratchet effect enables fascism, by proxy they are fascist.