That was really skillful driving.
It really isn't. Stop locking up the brakes.
But I'm prepared to be downvoted by 'experts' who have almost never actually driven in the snow.
The driver got the bus and the people in it down an icy slope, and nobody got harmed.
I call that success.
Yes, but skillful is a different thing entirely
It’s incredibly skilful and It’s not the correct thing to do.
For sure, I bet they received a round of applause for pulling off that save.
Stupid driving
Some people are skillfully stupid.
Unlike me. I'm just stupid with no skills. Back in 2003, I pressed the preheat button on my convection oven. It caught fire.
Yep. That's the extent of my cooking experience.
Yeah I'd pull over and wait for the sander. Hopefully there's one.
Pull over on what? There was no shoulder.
Look left
The immediate left is the lane of oncoming traffic (you can see this late in the video looking ahead). To the left of the oncoming trafffic lane is a meter or so of grass, then a drop off to a ditch. You can see the left tall grass early in the video.
Clearly not his first ice rodeo..
Maybe not a good thing if he regularly rides sideways.
Don't kinkshame.
He's probably feeling deja vu.
You can see it starting to go bad and then the back tire catches some traction on the slop on the shoulder and he recovers. Sometimes the shoulder saves you.
A gravel shoulder saved me from a spin out one time during a blizzard
Any idea where this is?
Republic of Sakha, in far east Russia.
Extremely unsuprising
Snowtires please
Videos that end too soon…
Only one of us can ride forever
So you and I can't ride together
Can't live or can't die together
All we can do is collide together
So I skillfully apply the pressure
- Mos Def
No space for drivers, no space for walkers
No space regardless
You're on my path? Then get off it!
- ~~That bus, probably~~ Mos Def
Looks like dude just lost control and breaks all the time.
If you lock your wheels you can't steer, just go man! You can break at the bottom.
Edit: don't go if there is any danger, take a joke people lol. Still driver seems to be an idiot IMO risking the people in the bus.
Nah there were cars ahead, if he gained too much momentum he was screwed, besides he wasn't just slamming on the breaks, there was roll going on there, just wasn't helping much. Once he got enough control again he even bothered to turn on his flashers.
I have a lot of experience driving in icy conditions, but I never would have attempted this.
"I'll just wait for June, thanks."
Nah. I'm good down here with Helene and Milton.
A bunch of people in a perilous situation: survive
Person filming: sad LiveLeak noises
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