The immediate left is the lane of oncoming traffic (you can see this late in the video looking ahead). To the left of the oncoming trafffic lane is a meter or so of grass, then a drop off to a ditch. You can see the left tall grass early in the video.
Stupid driving
Some people are skillfully stupid.
Unlike me. I'm just stupid with no skills. Back in 2003, I pressed the preheat button on my convection oven. It caught fire.
Yep. That's the extent of my cooking experience.
Yeah I'd pull over and wait for the sander. Hopefully there's one.
Pull over on what? There was no shoulder.
Look left
The immediate left is the lane of oncoming traffic (you can see this late in the video looking ahead). To the left of the oncoming trafffic lane is a meter or so of grass, then a drop off to a ditch. You can see the left tall grass early in the video.