the real puzzle is wtf happened to the 9th book...
The same reason 6 is afraid of 7.
If 6 was pretending to be 9 that just makes me think that 6 wants to be eaten by 7...
Oh behave
6 is going through exposure therapy.
Cause 7 is a six-offender?
I want to know where book 0 is.
it's in 0th place.
It is not a book on computer science or programming, so this is ok.
Yeah that's funny and all but I'm more disturbed by your right to left numbering sequence
Photo is clearly mirrored
Then the digits would be too.
Yes, that was the joke. Clearly people didn't get it.
I use this numbering sequence for manga only, very satisfying to coincide the reading directions with it.
This is one of those things that I can only see because I know it's a puzzle so I know to look for inconsistencies.
Then again, would this really happen IRL, to begin with? Wouldn't you notice as you're organizing the books?
Whatever, fun post!
It would not happen in real life, these posts with ridiculously long periods of time to find something are just doing the equivalent of "Only 10% of people can solve this basic puzzle!"
Why are the books in reverse order? To make the puzzle slightly harder. It's clickbait/attention seeking posting.
It's just meant to be amusing man
Meh, I upvoted the post because the first sentence and the image was funny. Adding the extra line exaggerating how long it took is the clickbait part. They aren't mutually ezclusive.
Also, you should tske a pregnancy test because you missed your period.
book 6 ran away because it is afraid of book 7
In that case, it may have chosen the exact wrong way to hide.
or maybe 6 was into it
I notice number 9 is missing
7 8 9
The book was a romance that started from "and they lived haply ever after" went through a period were they became less and into each other, until they had a last kiss, then later met for the last time and ultimately ended up so far apart from each other that it was as if they had never met.
The horse was named Friday
Yes, it took me about 5 seconds.
There are other cues - the letters at the top of each of the others, but bottom of the upside-down 6/9.
Took me a second lol
Damnit, don't make me stand on my head to figure these out.
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