This has to be bait
Textbook bait.
I'm gonna guess this fella's never been anywhere near an American dairy farm
Or the dairy isle at the supermarket...
Maybe it's commentary on how food products in the US are becoming more and more artificial so that milk is now just water with food coloring. /s
Fun fact 7% of the US thinks choclate milk of comes from brown cows
7% of people in the US are 5 or under so this tracks.
1,000 adults 18 and over were asked questions about the role milk plays in their daily lives, Food & Wine reported.
Per the article
Sadly, I'm surprised it's that low
Or possibly 7% of the US thinks it's funny to give stupid answers to polls.
I've never seen a purple cow;
I hope to never see one.
But from the milk I'm drinking now,
I'm sure that there must be one.
I wonder if they think eggs are dairy...
No but tofu is.
Howdy! Midwest guy here. I speak for all Midwesterners (yeah all of them, shut up Kyle) and I can tell you Cow's Milk is dairy. Now if you want to drink almond, or oat, or rice juice that's fine as well.
🦅🦅 eagle* screech 🦅🦅
*red hawk, but we don't acknowledge those in 'murica
There are two kinds of country
Both of them are wolves
But dairy products are made from millk and milk is not classically thought as a product made from millk (even if it actually is)?
milk from a cow or other domestic animal (such as a goat) also : food (such as ice cream, cheese, or yogurt) made primarily of or from milk
Can't have milk without milk.
Dairy products not dairy. What he was talking about was dairy. Not dairy products. Can't you read?
Go back to bed Jaden
Hey, man. Dairy products come from cows, but that don't make them beef. #Sarcasm
But probably the logic at play here.
Confidently Incorrect
When people are way too smug about their wrong answer.
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