Could Microsoft destroy Linux gaming by using the windows store
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I bought Gears 4 from the Windows store - they sold it as an exclusive there. We are not under any threat from that.
The store is clunky, it works about 40% of the time, it constantly needs updates, and there's an install limit of 10 times before you have to buy it again. Even if they locked a tech like DirectX behind it developers wouldn't use it.
lol, wut?
it's not true.
while there is a 10 device 'limit', that refers to how many linked devices you can have. you can remove one to add another. info and how to do that
Yeah, I was like 'uh, no'. I had to reinstall FH3 well over a dozen times because their updates would break shit and there was no file integrity check system. The store is garbage, no doubt, but let's keep it to facts yeah.
I mentioned this in a lower comment but im also curious if they made an API allowing apps like steam to install WinUI3 apps would the same be true.