Really popular ones too.
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Probably controversial opinion for some people: I've only ever seen one Star Wars movie (one of the original ones) and some of parts of other movies and I think the franchise is totally overrated.
If you didn't see them as a kid, then you definitely won't understand why they're so popular. When you see them as a child, then they're the coolest thing in the world, especially if you saw them back in the 70's or 80's when they were groundbreaking movie making. What I don't understand is how people continue loving them, like being completely obsessed with them, into adulthood. I wish I could be that excited about them as an adult, but they're pretty juvenile movies for a lot of different reasons.
As I'm born in the late 80's (god, saying that makes me feel so old), it sadly wasn't possible to see them at a time were they actually were considered groundbreaking. The special effects aged very badly, imho. I think it's a lot of nostalgia, especially for people who watched them as kids.
I saw Return of the Jedi in the theater with my elementary school class. It was so badass! There were 20 kids outside the theater after the movie pretending they were swordfighting with the rolled up movie posters that they gave us. I loved the movies for a long time. I even enjoyed the prequels, just to see the storyline, but the new movies don't do it for me at all. The dialogue and writing just seems so lazy. It's a shame too, because they look really cool and have great sound production.
I saw them as a child and found them totally stupid. Wild west pew pew but in space. Not everone who grew up with them loves them. If they were made today, noone would bat an eye over the mediocre story ๐
The movies really aren't anything incredible. Luke loses practically every fight he has, the dialog and CGI in the prequels were horrendous, and the sequels... yeah. I don't think most of them are bad movies, but for how popular it is? I believe Star Wars is held up quite a bit by how cool a large chunk of it is. Vader looks sick af, and laser swords are badass.
But there are some really good TV shows, games, and, from what I hear, comics as well. I think the movies are probably the weakest part of the Star Wars universe.
Only Empire Strikes Back is actually good imo.
It ends on a down note.
Which is good.