You Can't Look at Porn on Any Reddit Third-Party App Now
This is a most excellent place for technology news and articles.
RIP In Pieces Reddit. This is what will finally kill that site.
So how's the pr0n scene on Lemmy? Asking for a friend.
Lemmynsfw.com has plenty
Also pornlemmy.com
Does it?? When I visit, I only see month old moderator posts.
Has something to do with NSFW posts not showing if you're not logged in
Yeah that instance confuses me. Every time I see it, it's just mod posts and mostly tame pictures of celebrities. Am I missing something? Is there a secret knock?
You need to be logged in and have nsfw enabled on your account. I had the same issue for a bit.
You need to login
You're forced to create a user on lemmynsfw in order to see content, that's why they have so many users. pornlemmy.com is different, they don't put anything behind a firewall.
The admin is a pedo (check the loli comment).
You're being downvoted because that admin admitted their mistakes and stepped away from the site (someone plz correct me if I'm wrong)
"I'm sorry I was fine with child porn but now I'm not" doesn't sound sketchy at all, and he didn't step away he is still there running things.
Totally - something just didn't sit right seeing you be downvoted for being against CP lol
Using the connect app, how do I change my instance? It only seems to have 3 underneath it allows me to switch to, I can't manually enter anything in the instance settings?
Not sure on connect. But what I personally do, I've made 2 accounts, one on each. And put them on liftoff inside of a secure folder. That way, I don't have to necessarily search for what I want. I can just pop on to them and see what jumps out at me.
Nevernind, I had connec ti stalled. If yiu want separate accounts. Just open the app, click at the top left and add the accounts there.
Thanks. That eventually what I did. My brain seemed to ignore the option icon when clicking my username, and I was just looking below in the profile label and the settings label.
Hilarious that once I read a post about adult material, I seemed to somehow motivate myself until I figured it out. Confused if that's a good quality or not. Lol
You're welcome.
Life truly works in mysterious way. Happy wanking, fella.
I'd say it's a good quality. Just bear in mind, I haven't seen too many videos, and that's my preferred method of viewing material.
It's all in the name of research. 😂
Do we really need porn Here? Im trying to figure that out for myself.
If you want to grow, choose porn. It's been the singular driving force in adoption since the ARPA started funding the internet.
I heard somewhere but have no source, that porn was the driving reason behind VHS becoming so popular.
Streaming video as well. I remember when YouTube was new and PornHub was just straight up the best video host on the internet. People were uploading their SFW videos there because the buffering was so much better.
Porn may have been one factor, but the bad recording times on beta are what really killed it. Here is a series of four videos detailing the differences between beta and VHS. And there was plenty of porn available on the beta.
Imagine spending a thousand dollar right now on technology that has two standards not compatible and who knows if it is going to even work just so you could consume one type of media in the privacy of your home. Which media would be worth this great expense and risk?
Reminds of HD-DVD vs Blu-ray. During that time I bought into neither thankfully. I recall thinking HDDVD was the way to go but didn’t wanna invest in either.
The market is already pretty saturated, though. There are so many other places to view this type of content and in a better format than a link aggregator.
Like, wouldn't Pornhub be a more streamlined way to look at porn? Or whatever other porn website?
I never understood the appeal of porn on reddit. I always just blocked the porn subs and went about my business.
Having said all that, I totally agree that it should be allowed or perhaps even encouraged. It's a free and open system - let the people do what they want. Even if I personally don't understand the appeal.
People are pretty fond of the grassroots movement for independent creators to strike their own on reddit. Onlyfans is a good website for creators to monetize their content, but I don't believe it does much for growing their following. Pornhub has gotten better for smaller creators but so many things are lost in their terrible tagging and indexing that they're lost in the flood.
Topical community environments like reddit on the other hand let's them show their specific content to a group that's primed to like it. Mods are keeping the focus narrowed, so you're less likely to compete against the same reposted clip from a decade ago that has little connection to the tags affixed. Pretty similar reasons for why it did so well on Tumblr as well.
You're probably right. I think it matters more to content creators than consumers? Like, posting porn to Reddit is often advertising? And like anything, people must get some form if satisfaction interactions on specialty subs. You can't just go to Pornhub and upload your favorite foot porn, right? Get upvotes, get that tiny dose of dopamine. Get to comment about how beautiful the girl is, hoping maybe she'll like your complement more than the other thirsty guys'.
Social media, man. Interaction, even meaningless... it's its own drug.
Wouldn't that also apply to any image content then (like comics, memes, infographics, etc)? It doesn't stop it from being popular. The important thing is simply finding a site that allows your specific content and that doesn't heavily compress it.
The internet is for porn. How you think net was born?
I know it's probably a "Then we wouldn't have this hilarious song" or whatever thing, but it always kind of bugs me that Kate never thinks to remind Trekkie that she works at a kindergarten. Like, sure, porn is a big part of the internet, but probably not appropriate for a lesson for kindergartners which was the original purpose of the song before he hijacks it?
Explain on their level.
The internet is for hugs. The internet is for hugs. Why you think net was born? For hugs hugs hugs!
Anyone can just create a porn instance, so why not as long as it's moderated (and hopefully not full of illegal content)?
New instance, seems promising
Thanks friend!