I need to replace milk in my coffee and I need ideas
A place to discuss all things coffee, from an Australian perspective.
Oat milk!!! You can buy it unsweetened. To me it is the most neutral tasting plant milk, and better for the environment too.
Yeah oat milk is definitely the best alternative. I've even started putting in my tea 😱
Yep to oat milk. I’ve even started swigging it straight from the carton 😱
I don't know if it's just me and my seeming sensitivity to textures, but oatmilk in my coffee was like they'd machinegunned porridge through a loose sieve into my cup. Undrinkably thick and gritty.
Sounds like it might have 'split'
~~2nd~~ 582nd Oat milk. I love a good dairy milk, but I can't deny that I now prefer the flavour of a good oat milk with coffee. Goes well with a strong rooibos, too.
You've got to compare a few brands if you don't like it -- some are absolutely feral, even the extra-fancy ones. It also gets noticably worse with age so discounted cartons near the best-before date is a bit hit and miss.
My favourite is Vitasoy's standard Oat Milk.
Steamed texture is the best on the 2nd-4th day after opening a new carton; maybe to do with a little oxidisation changing the chemistry just enough.
Surprisingly tasty just poured cold into your mug/glass as an iced coffee with either espresso but especially with a good filter brew.