You need to measure your opportunity cost. If you leave to go for a gank and your ADC has just returned to lane, you will leave them in a 2v1 for 2 minutes. If you can desync your resets and your ADC can put the wave in a good spot before you leave it's not as bad, but leaving the ADC alone just opens you up to get punished for leaving, making your attempt at q gank a neutral or negative play with no positive outcome. Typically getting gold and XP on your ADC is more important than anything you could have gained from the gank since you can get dragon by making pressure bot.
You need to measure your opportunity cost. If you leave to go for a gank and your ADC has just returned to lane, you will leave them in a 2v1 for 2 minutes. If you can desync your resets and your ADC can put the wave in a good spot before you leave it's not as bad, but leaving the ADC alone just opens you up to get punished for leaving, making your attempt at q gank a neutral or negative play with no positive outcome. Typically getting gold and XP on your ADC is more important than anything you could have gained from the gank since you can get dragon by making pressure bot.