Tipping when prompted: yay or nay?
A Fediverse community to ask slrpnk.net open-ended, thought provoking questions.
We respect the basic rules of the SLRPNK server:
be constructive
there is no need of another internet space full of competition, negativity, rage etc.;
no bigotry
including racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia or xenophobia;
be empathic
empathy is more rebellious than a middle finger;
no porn and no gore
let’s keep this place easy to manage;
no ads / spamming / flooding
we don’t want to buy/consume your commodified ideas;
occasional self-promotion
by active members is fine.
The employers pays a nominal wage (and guarantees a higher one, not that this is needed often) for the server to be present and also for light cleaning.
The bulk of a server's compensation does not come from the employer, but directly from the consumer.
Instead of consumer paying the business for the server's labor, and the business taking a cut before passing a set amount onto the server as wages; the server sells their labor directly to the consumer and gets the full amount without the business taking a cut. More of the money goes to servers under the tipping model, whole also giving more control to the consumer, while also lowering labor cost for the business. It's a win for everyone involved. I call the tipping system "emergent" because it could probably not have been designed; only evolved to be as efficient as it is.