Tipping when prompted: yay or nay?
A Fediverse community to ask slrpnk.net open-ended, thought provoking questions.
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a tip is a reward AFTER the service is provided, it has nothing to do with “to insure prompt service” (that’s a bribe)
the real problem (in the US) is that employers can pay service industry workers below minimum wage with the expectation that they will make up the difference with tips which creates a manipulative workplace where the incentive is to do anything to ensure tips regardless of quality of service
and the automated “Choose tip amount” can be straight up predatory – owners will leave that option in even when there is no service provided (ex. purely retail establishments) with the expectation that you will feel guilty – and since it is not service related, that “gratuity” goes straight into the owner’s pocket, the workers will never see a penny of it