My rl name starts with Chat and I introduce myself as such most places. It's pronounced differently though, since it's based on a French word. The Ch has an Sh sound. And yes, I know what that sounds like...
Actually the t is silent so it's SHA in french
SHAT would be for female cat but really means pussy
You're welcome.
You're talking to famous Irish scatologist Shat O'Kun right now
My name is based off the cat thing though. Chatoyer, chatoyant, chatoyancy, all based off of cats eye.
And pussy is better than how it sounds in e glish, so ty :P
You know what it sounds like, but you still introduce yourself as such?
We should party.
I live in quebec so to me it sounds like pussy (chatte)
"chato" also means boring or annoying in portuguese.
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
My rl name starts with Chat and I introduce myself as such most places. It's pronounced differently though, since it's based on a French word. The Ch has an Sh sound. And yes, I know what that sounds like...
Actually the t is silent so it's SHA in french
SHAT would be for female cat but really means pussy
You're welcome.
You're talking to famous Irish scatologist Shat O'Kun right now
My name is based off the cat thing though. Chatoyer, chatoyant, chatoyancy, all based off of cats eye.
And pussy is better than how it sounds in e glish, so ty :P
You know what it sounds like, but you still introduce yourself as such?
We should party.
I live in quebec so to me it sounds like pussy (chatte)
"chato" also means boring or annoying in portuguese.