Finally found a fix how to stop firefox downloading each PDF to your local drive
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Why did it bother you?
Because you don't always want to permanently save to the drive the PDFs you find on the internet, often you just need to skim them and that's it, just like a webpage
It keeps being downloaded as a regular download to the default download folder, filling up disk space and the file needs to be deleted by explicit command. With the change it's a temporary download and is erased when cache is purged.
PDFs are particularly annoying like that. On one hand most browsers offer to open them in the browser, but on the other hand it's a "file" rather than a document. Imagine if your browser decided to download all the HTML webpages that you visit to your download folder, instead of the temporary cache. That's how PDFs are handled.
To make it more complicated, sometimes you'll want that and other times you don't.
It's also really annoying in terms of GDPR compliance, because some users gather a lot of PDFs in their download folder without even realising it. I empty my download folder daily, just like the trashcan, just to be sure that I'm not keeping things that I'm not supposed to keep. This is only/mainly due to the browsers handling of the PDF format.
Excuse my ignorance but what chapter / section of the GDPR deals with end users downloading pdfs?
All of it, if the PDF contains personal information. Anything that can identify a person is personal information and can only be kept if the person has constented to you keeping it.
It does not matter in which format or where. That includes files in your download or trash can folders.
Respectfully, that's not true. GDPR Article 2(2)(c):
I'm obviously talking about work and not my porn stash.