I was wondering when they'd get round to the smaller subreddits
### About Community Tracking and helping #redditmigration to Kbin and the Fediverse. Say hello to the decentralized and open future. To see latest reeddit blackout info, see here: https://reddark.untone.uk/
We're not actually that small, we have about 90k subscribers. But we're still small fry compared to many that are closed.
In the spirit of malicious compliance, if anyone has any suggestions for what /r/Commandline could become, I'd be delighted to hear them!
Make it all quotes from the drill instructor from Full Metal Jacket.
@losttourist @sheawoodrow
@losttourist @sheawoodrow
Guess I'll hit the showers.
I somehow managed to read this in the voice of John Oliver
That's it, command line needs to become ASCII images of John Oliver
Make it a NSFW sub to mess with their advertising. Something like only allowing pictures of dominatrix culture with the titles being dominatrix-style commands.
Yep, nsfw means no ads.
Also set it so a mod has to approve every post before it shows.
That way the sub is technically up and they can't take it or make money off it.
Only pics of people going commando with visible tan lines
Jesus ... lol ... that's hilirious ... but also they said activity to make the site less attractive, not more attractive
Turn it into an NSFW subreddit, as others are doing, because then Reddit can't run ads on the subreddit.
Also, their whole spiel about subreddits being for users, who you are letting down, is obviously a crock of shit. They care about one thing only - money. They care about being able to continue financing their BMWs, because God forbid they have to ride the bus.
Lines from Command and Conquer.
Here's my submission idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Sq1Nr58hM
Perhaps only allow users to post titles and comments that are a command and a line? Like this: ⌘–
EDIT: and have that be the only moderation restriction going forward besides things that would get the subreddit removed. The more relevant the post is to the literal words "command" and "line" and the unicode symbols I posted, the better.
EDIT: correction, I posted an endash. Something like a box drawing line would be better, i.e. ⌘─
Each post must be precisely the word "comm".
Each comment must be precisely the word "line".
Comm and line.
This is great. Reddit wants to use it's data to be fed to large language models, though not for free anymore. This poisons the data, making it less relevant.
This is an attempt to force the sub open and retain your free moderating services.
well, yes and no. It's an attempt to force the sub open and give the "option" to no longer moderate. They're perfectly willing to part ways with you as a moderator as long as it gets the sub open. Their view is that everyone is replaceable.
Apparently that’s what Huffman learned from Musk
They appear to be picking subreddits that would be high on search results. I can see how command line would fit.
If you have a way to find out what posts are returned most often through search engines you can remove them.
change community rules to apply retroactively that in order to maintain freshness and improve visibility of smaller posts, anything over x days old or over x karma will be removed.
"Welcome to Com Man D Line. I'm your man on coms, what can I tell you about the D today?"
All posts could require l33t speak. Go full in on the "I'm a early 2000s hacker because I can ping Google" vibe.
reminds me of /(thatothersite)/itsaunixsystem
ASCII pictures of John Oliver within command lines/terminals
Only regular expression commands, that way the 99.9% of us will never understand the content.
I just received the same notice for my "largest" subreddit with 1.3k subs. But not my 500 or so sub ones. It's been a fairly deadish sub for 2 years so I was surprised to get a notice.
Must be a mass mailing, maybe minimum traffic or sub count filter?
Fuck em. Might just nuke it and delete all posts.
They’ll just restore it if you nuke it. Better to make the sub NSFW so they can’t make ad revenue off of it and set it so that all posts must be mod-approved, then only approve like one post every month so you can show as still being active.
I really don't care enough. I admin a lemmy instance now. As soon as Apollo stops working I don't plan on logging in again.
I've heard they're restoring users that nuke their own posts, but I'm not sure I've heard anyone nuking a whole sub before. Mine is small enough to fly under a radar maybe?
Open the sub but only allow ChatGPT prompts
There is a high demand for scripts involving the package PRAW.
"All posts must be self-posts formatted as code and must only be *nix/Mac/Windows command line input.
No link posts allowed.
All comments must be formatted as code and must only be *nix/Mac/Windowsal command line output. "
How about just opening without trolling?
It's not trolling
It's kind of trolling. Protest trolling? Trolling with a cause? Either way, I'm for it!
'Malicious compliance' is the phrase
depends on the desires of the majority of the community I would say. If the majority of the community says they want to change the community, then who are we to disagree? I'd vote for the change. Unfortunately for that vote, I haven't been on Reddit since before the blackout. The only reason I'll be going back will be to delete some/all of my posts.
Yes, once I've had a few ideas that we like the sound of, we fully intend to offer the sub's users a genuine vote on its future. If nothing else, it will stop Reddit admins from simply saying that we're going against the members' wishes.
Either way, once the new rules are in place and the sub is open I'll personally be quitting as a moderator and leaving Reddit completely because I no longer wish to devote my unpaid labour to such a company.
I've been a long time subscriber to /r/commandline and I'll be voting yes to continued disobedience if it comes to that.
Found Spez!
Posts must be images which are exactly 1 pixel wide. Post titles must all be the word "command". No text allowed under the images.
Quotes from Zapp Brannigan.
marching band pictures