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Honestly the people seething over pronouns are pathetic.
They are sobbing over… a single button press to choose a pronoun. Its not like theyre forced to choose a pronoun they disagree with. Complete tools.
Personally I am convinced that 99% of that is just performative. They know it's bullshit to get angry about pronouns, but they do it because it generates attention and serves as a anti-LGBT+ dog whistle.
Call em SJWs. They are the pink haired raging liberals they fought against for so long. Became the thing they swore to destroy.
They have always been like this. As they say: "It's always projection." The right-wingers assume that other people behave the same way they do, but more often than not people simply don't.
Years ago during GamerGate, it was the same shit: They'd cry about collusion, bribery and worse and when you poked into it, there was nothing to it. It was all conjecture. deliberate misrepresentation of events and fake outrage.
I love the video of the British dude absolutely losing his shit about it, then picking up the controller and continuing to play
Like he screamed and cried for 3 minutes about pronouns then went ahead and kept playing the game he was calling evil and boring
That's how it starts, first you play videos games, then next you start wearing knee high socks. They should start prepping a funeral for their soon to be dead name.