it's not like gif stands for jraphics interchange format.
neither does it stand for giraffe interchange format.
nor does it stand for geranium interchnage format.
but if you're sharing gifs of giraffes or giraniums, i suppose that's allowable.
By that logic, "jpeg" is pronounced jay-feg, "scuba" scuh-ba, and "laser" lah-seer.
Such a dumb argument that never holds up.
it's not like gif stands for jraphics interchange format.
neither does it stand for giraffe interchange format.
nor does it stand for geranium interchnage format.
but if you're sharing gifs of giraffes or giraniums, i suppose that's allowable.
By that logic, "jpeg" is pronounced jay-feg, "scuba" scuh-ba, and "laser" lah-seer.
Such a dumb argument that never holds up.