Daily random thread: almost almost the weekend edition (June 15, 2023)
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
I reckon eventually... I mean, if we do in fact create AI, like true AI, it would have its own language, right? Unless you scale it all the way down to binary...
Oh, but what about morse code? Is that a language?
I think morse code is not another language, it is a different way of creating the letters of our language. Much like shorthand and (I presume) brail.
Would fully binary communication even count as a language, or would it be more like direct communication of computer brainwaves, more like telepathy?
Words are effectively communication of human brainwaves, so it would probably be considered a language, yes, since it lets two machines effectively talk to each other.
Do stenography chords count as a language of their own then?
is hardly intelligible as a way of constructing letters normally.