Sometimes I smile...
A sad place for sad people to be sad.
Have fun!
This community is for people with depression. Memes and general discussion about depression are encouraged and welcome.
Bi-polar people are also allowed to post here but only sometimes.(joke)
This community is aimed at being inclusive for all people with depression and as such should be free of racism, homophobia, trans-phobia, sexism, patriarch and all other forms of hate-speech.
Trolls will be banned!
Some resources posted from helpful people:
Therapy is not for everyone, check out peer counseling instead: https://www.americanmentalwellness.org/intervention/peer-support/
Find health professionals: https://www.psychologytoday.com/
edit: nevermind
Haha, you should go look at my comment history. I just mined myself a whole bunch of downvotes in a situation because I'm a default asshole.
I'm taking a radical transparency tactic these days. I feel like I've been covering and hiding enough, keeping up appearances. I'm not trying to be unpleasant, by no means. I actually apologized in the downvoted thread, because I was clearly in the wrong.
Nonetheless, in the future I am plowing straight ahead, come what may. Maybe you should reserve your downvotes for things that you're passionate about though.
The truth is I'm here for connection, not affection.