Where's somewhere you want to travel to in the US, but haven't yet?
Community for asking and answering any question related to the life, the people or anything related to the USA. Non-US people are welcome to provide their perspective! Please keep in mind:
I've heard stories from my friends. It's on my short list for sure.
I've got Ireland soon and Chicago in June.
Bev's Seafood, crawfish, get a pound more than you think you want. Quite possibly the best meal I've had in my life. I still think about it 8 years later.
Also get a Bloody Mary while you're down there (not at Bev's, just, like, in NOLA), just make sure they put the pickled green beans in em. So fucking good.
Edit: I can't speak to Ireland, but gotta do a proper Chicago dog dragged through the garden on a poppy seed bun. Though I can't recommend a specific joint for it.