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Thanks! Does this kind of pipe have a name?
It's a Tyrolean pipe - I just saw Willem Dafoe's character using one in Nosferatu funnily enough.
See here: The Cast of Nosferatu Discusses the Props That Shaped Their Characters | Prop Shop
Also one quite similar to yours in design (I think): https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1525820329/e-foot-pipe-antique-pipe-smoking-pipe?ref=sr_gallery-1-1&frs=1&sts=1&content_source=0bf227c4bf5cbe3d5859e776a0ac736a20682b5d%253A1525820329
Thank you so much! How was Nosferatu? I’m wanting to watch it soon.
No problem. It was good, they are all quality actors and the direction from Eggers was on point. I was kind of wondering though whether we really need another classic-style vampire movie, because there's nothing particularly interesting or new about the retelling of the story in terms of content, despite its excellent production quality. But sometimes that's maybe enough? :)
Huh, I felt the opposite. It felt refreshing to see this truly undead vampire instead of some sort of "human in every way but drinks blood" vampire
Did you ever watch the original Nosferatu? The vampire in that was pretty monstrous looking too, not in the vein of Twilight etc.
I haven't but I fail to see why a 100 year old film is relevant to current films? My comment only works because they went with a remake of a monster movie. I specifically found it to be refreshing because it was a new movie falling back to that older formula.
It's relevant because the new film is a remake of that 100 year old film, that's why I mentioned it and noted that there's not much that's innovative about it.
I know the origin. My point is that doing something monstrous with vampires instead of making them some misunderstood character or a hot anti-hero is REFRESHING AND DIFFERENT. You don't need to innovate to do either of those things. In fact I think it's even more impressive that they chose to remake a silent film and do it as well as they did. Bill Skarsgard was creepy AF.