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As a non-american I am kinda curious on what lies they learned about china? I know the no grocieries one, but what else? 🤔
Ok so full disclosure: In my job, I know a lot of people from China, so not all of these misconceptions are mine personally:
Social credit system: False. I honestly can't fathom that anyone believes this. I blame reddit.
Sweatshops: They exist, but the majority are run by western corporations. They're also not the norm.
Food scarcity: Food is more accessible and affordable there than here.
Healthcare: Chinese people have easy and affordable access to healthcare. In fact, after hearing about the unconscionable US system, doctors have been making posts inviting USAmericans to travel to China for healthcare. The cost of the plane tickets would present the greatest barrier.
LGBTQIA acceptance: It's about on par with the USA, unfortunately. However, we often hear it's worse, which is not necessarily true. I've seen and interacted with a number of openly queer people on XHS, including trans people. My best friend there is a lesbian. "Older people might not be comfortable with it" -- sound familiar?
You will be imprisoned for criticizing the government: False. People have openly criticized Xi Jinping with impunity.
Poor and houseless people: Lower rates than USA
I'm NOT saying China is some utopia, but it's also at the very least no worse than the USA, and likely better in many ways. There's no such thing as a good nation state in my opinion, but I don't think a genocidal settler colonial state like the US that commits myriad atrocities that I don't have space to list here is in a position to criticize China.
No nations, no borders, one family, humankind
I wish we lived in a world where that did make them worse than most countries.