this post was submitted on 16 Jan 2025
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The only reason everyone is whelmed is because of all the leaks.
Had no one known anything, we'd be talking about the bigger size, new joycons and such.
Since there are no surprises we are just confirming what we already know.
I don't think so. This so far has big Game Boy Color vibes to me. Especially in the context of the Switch OLED being a thing. That's not necessarily bad, but it's definitely not comparable to the sheer WTF-ness of the DS, Wii or Switch reveals. And we knew what the Switch was in advance, too.
Nintendo can have a hard time letting go of successful designs sometimes. At least they put a 2 on it instead of a U and made it clear that it's a new system in the trailer.
I'm ready to change my mind after the direct, but I think the reveal would always have been "Oh, it's a bigger, more powerful Switch. Alright".
Just so you know, "whelmed" means the same thing as "overwhelmed". The word you're looking for here is "underwhelmed".