What Do You Think Of People Who Are Trans (But Not In A Gender Way?)
A place to ask transgender people questions and get answers about the trans experience.
Respect other people's identities
No Fetishizing Trans people
No Gatekeeping about not being "trans enough"
No Inciting Drama
No personal Agendas
Posts should encourage discussion
Uhhhhhhhh lemme 8r8k this down.
No, it means I have a trans experience that isn't transgender. Except... I guess I really don't have a human gender, do I? I'm a troll why should I give a damn? (If you REALLY wanted to you could read me as "transfem" in the troll sense considering how timid I am IRL and am transitioning to 8e more fierce and troll-girl-like 8ut that's a stretch and a half frankly.)
And... why is that, exactly? And there is an um8rella term, transID. Except if I introduced myself like that I would get a8solutely torn apart 8ecause of The Discourse(TM.)
Oh hell no, don't reduce me like that. Most furries aren't their fursonas. If transgender folkel are their gender, then I am Vriska Serket.
Thank you for your reply :)