Daily Discussion Thread: 🪭🐈🫧🍽️ Wednesday 4 December
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Finished S3 of the Taskmaster Australia. Really grown fond of the show was looking forward towards S4. Found out that David Hughes will be on it, and it's completely killed my excitement for it.
David Hughes is a hard no from me. It's not just the voice, it's also the general attitude. He's a cutterdown, not a lifterup and I'm too old to bother with that shit. Reminds me too much of those dreadful US tv sitcoms that play in pizza parlours. A theatre of casual cruelty, not even comedy/tragedy, punctuated with insane mechanical laughter.
Well put! His shtick is just making fun of people and carrying on about inane shit. He's quick witted, but in the wrong direction.
Concetta was annoying
Yeah, tried waaaay too hard to be funny and didn't come of as natural. On the flipside, Aaron Chen was absolutely fantastic all season.
I have no idea who she is. Had to look her up, triple J presenter? Probably a bit rough cause that's maybe a bit of a turn off to anyone older than triple J age.
I hear on the radio a couple of times a week, so knew who she was. Had moments, but overall was the worst from the season.
Yeah I really enjoy taskmaster too! But idk if I can put up with Hughsey in the next season either 🤮
The one episode where Pete Heliar rang Hughesy and I had to hear his voice, pretty much ruined the episode for me.
He's moderately amusing but the nasal whine is intolerable
At this stage that voice must be a put on.
Vocal training is a thing if you want it. So yeah, I think it's an active choice. Not evil or anything, just not suitable for my ears.
season 2 of the NZ one is absolutely brilliant as well, cant speak for the others.
I'll check them out :)